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Ground mounted photovoltaic systems. 3 steps to installing solar panels

Ground mounted photovoltaic systems. 3 steps to installing solar panels

    The Benefits Of Ground-Mounted Solar Panels

    If you’re looking for an eco-friendly energy solution, installing solar panels is something that must have come to your mind. This is no doubt a great decision because using renewable energy will help a lot in curbing global warming. In your quest to find solar panels, it’s easy to be confused about which one is the best option for your needs, whether to get ground-mounted or rooftop solar panels.

    In this guide, we’ll take a look at why you should consider ground-mounted solar panels by looking at the advantages they offer. This will allow you to see whether these solar panels will meet your renewable energy needs. Without further ado, let’s get started.

    What Are Ground-Mounted Solar Panels?

    As the name suggests, ground-mounted solar panels refer to a free-standing solar array positioned on the ground either atop one pole or on a robust metal frame. These solar panels are often referred to as ground-mount, and it’s pretty simple to see why because they’re installed on the ground instead of on your roof.

    The photovoltaic equipment in ground-mounted solar systems works identically to the rooftop solar panels by converting sunlight into electricity. But instead of being placed on the roof, ground-mounted solar panels are positioned on the ground at a 30-degrees angle for maximum light absorption, thereby maximizing output.

    What Are the Benefits Of Ground-Mounted Solar Panels?

    There are several reasons why ground-mounted solar panels, which you can buy from a supplier such as Impact Energy, are a better pick than the rooftop solar systems, and these include;

    Easy to Clean and Maintain

    Because ground-mounted solar panels are placed on the ground and not on the roof, they’re easier to clean and maintain. With their position on the ground, you save yourself the stress of climbing ladders. As a result, this makes cleaning and maintaining them a lot easier and ideal, especially if you’re doing it as a DIY project.

    Since it’s easier to clean ground-mounted solar panels, you can ensure they remain free of dirt and debris that can block sunlight from hitting the cells. The ground-mounted solar panels are also easier to maintain and repair possible defects such as the inverter failing. In addition, electricians or inspectors have a much simpler time inspecting ground-mounted solar panels. As a result, this lowers the overall cost of maintaining the solar panel system.

    Higher Energy Production Due to Increased Efficiency

    Another reason ground-mounted solar panels have become a popular choice in renewable energy production is that they generate higher energy due to their increased efficiency. They are positioned at an optimal angle to collect more sunlight. In contrast, this isn’t a privilege you can enjoy with rooftop solar panels because their positioning will depend on your roof’s orientation.

    In contrast with roof-mounted panels, ground-mounted panels are mounted at a downward angle and collect more sunlight because their surface area is larger. In addition, ground-mounted panels can be installed closer together than roof-mounted panels because they aren’t subject to shading like roof-mounted panels are. The large surface area of ground-mounted panels allows for more efficient light absorption because of the greater amount of material available for absorption.

    With this in mind, it’s evident that ground-mounted solar panels are generally more effective at capturing solar energy than roof-mounted systems because they can be placed closer together and at steeper angles.

    Free Up Roof Space

    Removing the solar panels from your roof not only frees up your roof space. Doing this also helps boost your house’s structural integrity because the roof doesn’t have the support of the added weight of the solar panels. With rooftop solar panels, you’ll need to drill any holes on the roof, which must be done by following certain guidelines. This isn’t an issue you’ll face when installing ground-mounted solar panels.

    Ground-mounted solar panels also provide you with more aesthetic options for your house. So, if you’re looking at getting solar-paneled but want to display them prominently as an aesthetic feature, not just a functional one, ground-mounting is the way to go.

    They’re A Lot Easier to Expand

    Installing ground-mounted solar panels also provides you with added flexibility. This is because, with ground-mounted solar panels, you can easily expand them should you want to increase your energy needs. After all, you don’t have to worry about finding space on your roof which is limited by the available space.

    Therefore, you should consider getting ground-mounted panels if you want to expand your energy needs in the future. Despite being more expensive to install than roof-mounted counterparts and requiring extra permits and inspections, they’re worth it if you have the space for them.

    Easy to Install

    Installing ground-mounted panels is a simple process that involves digging holes in the ground and then cementing the panels into them. It’s more complicated than setting them on your roof, but it means that you don’t have to sacrifice any roof space for your solar power.

    Ground-mounted solar panels also allow for a lower profile than their rooftop counterparts. This means you can install them on a surface like a porch where there isn’t much room to spare above the roofline. Because of this low profile, you can place them closer to your home than with typical rooftop setups, making them less imposing on your home’s appearance.

    Maximize Idle Land Space

    Ground-mounted systems allow the homeowner to maximize the ideal land space by using areas that wouldn’t otherwise have been possible with rooftop panels. Idle land space can refer to any unused space in your yard—a portion of your backyard that isn’t being used for anything or a side yard between two buildings and not getting used as an extension of your house. Efficiency makes them ideal for maximizing idle land space. This idle space can be a good option to install your ground-mounted solar panels.

    The efficiency of a Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant

    You would be amazed to know that a ground-mounted solar system generates more units of electricity than a rooftop system, even when they get equal sunlight. Want to know the reason behind this?

    Well, for rooftop solar panels, the mounting structure is fixed. Therefore, it captures sunlight according to the sun’s position.

    However, in ground-mounted panels, you construct the structure carefully with a tilt angle and orientation to maximise sunlight exposure.

    In addition, you can also add a solar tracking device to this system to angle the panels towards the sun. Solar trackers move the panels so that they’re always perpendicular to the Sun. Hence, the efficiency is very high.

    Types of Panels for Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant

    Before you install a ground mounted solar power plant, it is crucial to understand what types of panels are available in the market.

    Solar panel manufacturers keep upgrading the technology to provide efficient solutions to people. Presently there are three types of solar panels compatible with ground mounting solar systems. They are:

    • – Polycrystalline solar panel: It is made by melting the silicon and pouring it into a mould. This process is highly economical and reduces wastage during production. In addition, its efficiency is between 16-17%.
    • – Monocrystalline solar panel: This panel is made with pure silicon crystal. Therefore, it has an even texture and a uniform shape. By installing this panel in your solar system, you get nearly 19-20% efficiency. over, this type of solar panel offers high durability.
    • – Bifacial solar panel: It is the most advanced technology for solar panels. It consists of silicon film that receives direct sunlight. On the other hand, the bottom part of the bi-facial solar panel also receives reflected sunlight from a white TPO roof or light-coloured roof.

    The increased exposure to direct and reflected sunlight enables the solar system with these panels to produce more electricity. Generally, it offers the highest efficiency, up to 22%.

    This solar panel is the most efficient for ground mounting solar systems. In addition, you can use single-axis and double-axis solar trackers in these panels to increase their efficiency further.

    Pros and Cons of Buying Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant

    This type of solar power plant offers multiple benefits to people. These include the following:

    • – You can easily place them in an open space without drilling your roof. over, the bracings of this system are lightweight and easily removable.
    • – They need a separate structure for installation resulting in an accurate tilt angle. This increases their efficiency in producing solar electricity.
    • – You can easily access ground-mounted solar panels. Therefore, their maintenance process becomes increasingly convenient.
    • – You can install solar trackers so that the panels accurately shift according to the sun’s position.

    Although ground mounting solar system offers many benefits, it comes with some limitations, such as:

    • – It can be a little higher in terms of the initial investment.
    • – You need to follow a lengthy and tougher installation process.

    Cost of Ground Mounted Solar Power Plant

    Now let’s understand how much money you may require to install a ground-mounted solar system.

    Although the cost of solar panels depends on their type and individual manufacturer, generally, the range is between Rs. 25.5 to Rs. 32 per watt.

    The following points provide information on cost according to the panel type:

    • – Polycrystalline solar panel: On average, you need Rs. 25.5/watt investment for this panel
    • – Monocrystalline solar panel: This is a more efficient solar panel and costs nearly Rs. 30/watt
    • – Bifacial solar panel: For installing this type of solar panel, you need to spend about Rs. 31-32/watt.

    Ground-mounted solar panels

    Many residential PV systems are ground-mounted solar systems instead of being installed on the roof of the home. The reasons for doing so can range from not having enough roof space to accommodate solar offset goals – to improving performance and efficiency objectives. Ground-based solar panels can be placed in a yard or field that receives a suitable amount of sunlight throughout the day. Mounting solar panels on the ground, racks, or atop poles is commonplace. However, ground-mounted solar panel costs can be higher than roof mounted panels primarily due to the expense of racking, longer wire distance, and trenching. Fortunately, these costs qualify for the Federal Tax Credit, lowering the out-of- cost by 30% in 2022. Ground-mounted solar energy systems are prevalent in agricultural and commercial situations. Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy Systems are federally funded programs available through the USDA solar grant and qualify for the commercial solar tax credit.

    Is there any difference between rooftop solar panels?

    Solar panel installation costs are dependent upon several factors, including, but not limited to, installation labor, materials, number of panels, and quality of peripheral components. Ground-mount solar PV systems can be more costly than the average roof mount system. For example, a yard solar system requires trenching and laying low-gauge wire from the panels to the home or business. Roof mounting does not require any ground trenching.

    How many ground-mounted solar panels will you need?

    The number of ground solar panels to install in a backyard energy system is determined by calculating the number of kilowatts needed to operate your home or business then calculating the number of panels required to generate that electricity. The proper calculation is known as the Offset of Energy Cost. For example, according to experts, the average home in Florida uses 1,110 kWh of electrical current. To offset 90% of 1,110 kWh would be 999 kWh.

    Our consultant will review your energy consumption and goals to provide you with a proposal in less than one day. Our detailed quote outlines your existing energy costs and provides a flexible solar solution.

    Our highly-trained crew performs your solar installation, typically in one day or less. We make it a fast, easy, and friendly process for you with utmost care.

    Your solar investment begins to work immediately. Our solar energy systems operate with minimal maintenance for decades to come using the best industry practices. Every energy system comes with free online monitoring access for life too.

    Why choose PPM Solar?

    We are ready to create a tailored fit solar system designed for your needs. Our sales team, designers, system engineers, office staff, installation crew, and management operate jointly to ensure your satisfaction and that your system always performs at peak capacity. You can relax knowing your solar energy system for home or business, purchased and installed by PPM Solar, is designed to provide outstanding service for 30 years.

    Go solar today. Contact us to get a free estimate

    How to install ground-mounted solar panels

    For our scenario, we consider the following:

    • System size: A 2.4kW solar system of 6 x 400W solar panels.
    • Recommended number of people for installation: 2 to 3 people
    • Total installation time: 2 to 3 days, including the building of the ground structure and solar frame.

    Step 1: Select the best spot for your ground-mounted solar panels

    Key Takeaways: — Choose the sunniest spot (full sun).— No tree or building shading from 10 am to 3 pm.— Facing south (in Northern Hemisphere). Facing north (in Northern Hemisphere).— Clear the grounds according to the area covered by your solar panels. Give yourself an additional 20% of extra space.

    This is the most important preliminary step — choosing the best spot in your garden to maximize your solar production. Solar panels love direct sunshine — they don’t mesh well with trees and shading. In fact, shaded solar panels can produce 10 times less energy than under full exposure.

    Therefore, it’s vital that you pick the sunniest place in your garden — specifically from 10 am to 3 pm when solar production is at its peak.

    Next, ensure that your spot has sufficient space for your ground structure. To do so:

    • Calculate the total surface of your solar panel array.
    • Add 20% extra space to allow movement around your structure.

    For example, a 400W solar panel covers an area of approximately 2 sqm or 21.5sq.ft. Therefore, 6 solar panels cover a total of 12 sqm or 129sq.ft

    As such, you’ll need a total area of around 15 sqm or 155sq.ft (including 20% extra space) to install a ground structure comprising 6 x 400W solar panels.

    Step 2: Design and build your ground structure

    Key takeaways: — Concrete foundations.— GI pipe or wood lumber structure.— Insecticide wood treatment and outdoor paint/varnish.

    Now that you’ve chosen the best spot on your property, you’re ready to design and build the structure to support your solar panels.

    Materials for a ground-mounted solar panel structure

    Remember that your solar panels will last for at least 25 years. Ideally, your structure should also last that long.

    ground, mounted, photovoltaic, systems

    We recommend using galvanized iron (GI) pipes for your structure and frame. You can assemble these with some welding. If your budget is limited or if you don’t have a welding machine, you can use wood lumbers instead.

    Medium-hard wood is a good option, but you must treat it to protect against termites and fungus. Additionally, you must varnish and/or paint it to preserve it further.

    For our 6 x 400W solar panel installation, we used 25 pieces of 2in x 3in x 8ft coconut lumbers, four bags of cement, and an adequate amount of sand and gravel for the concrete mix.

    Building the structure

    We strongly advise that you build a structure tall enough for you to walk underneath. Six to seven feet high ideal.

    The following simplified construction plan applies to the 6 x 400W solar panel installation plan.

    Have a look at the final result:

    Real-life scenario

    Start by digging your foundations:

    • Dig the foundations for 10 posts. Holes of 1ft x 1ft x 1t are good enough. Install your wood post (straight) and pour the concrete.

    Don’t forget that your solar panels won’t lay flat; they will tilt slightly to receive more sunlight (pictured below). Therefore, your posts won’t have the same length. To determine the ideal tilting angle for your solar panels, check the Global Solar Atlas by entering your location.

    Are ground-mounted solar panels cheaper?

    Ground-mounted solar panels cost the same as rooftop solar panels. If set up by a professional, the installation cost is lower than traditional rooftop panels, but building the ground frame balances the costs.

    The maintenance costs of ground-mounted solar panels are low, as you won’t need a professional to climb on your roof to clean the panels. They are easily accessible, and you can do this operation by yourself.

    Do ground-mounted solar panels need special planning permission?

    Usually, all ground-mounted solar panels need an electrical permit and might also require a building permit depending on the height of the structure or the total surface covered.

    In the U.K., you need planning permission if your solar array covers more than 9 sqm.

    In the U.S., rules differ from one state to another. For example, in San Diego, California, all solar installations (including ground-mounted) need an electrical permit. However, building permits are only required for ground structures higher than 5 feet.

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