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Solar water system repair. An Overview of Solar Hot Water

Solar water system repair. An Overview of Solar Hot Water

    Solar-Powered Water Heaters in Seattle, WA

    If you need a way to heat your home’s water supply while doing your part to protect the environment, Puget Sound Plumbing and Heating can help. We provide solar-powered water heaters to customers in Seattle, WA, and the surrounding area. Our family-owned and.operated business has been on the leading edge of innovation for more than 20 years. Among the state-of-the-art products, we offer our clients are water heaters that harness the sun’s energy. Our friendly customer service team would be happy to explain how these units work, the different types of solar-powered water heaters we offer, and all of their benefits. Call us today.

    Solar water heater systems use the sun to generate warm water for the entire home. They utilize collectors on the roof to capture the sun’s energy and storage tanks to maintain a supply of hot water for cooking, cleaning, and various other chores. Solar energy can significantly reduce or even eliminate your water heating bill. It can be used as a complete system or as a supplement for your regular water heater.

    Types of Solar-Powered Water Heaters

    There are several different types of solar-powered water heaters. Puget Sound Plumbing and Heating will help you determine which one best suits your needs. They all utilize storage tanks and solar collectors, but some have circulating pumps and controls. Types of solar-powered water heaters include:

    Active Solar Water Heating Systems

    Active solar water heating systems use circulating pumps and controls to ensure your home has warm water year-round. Styles include:

    • Direct Circulation Systems – These water heaters use pumps to circulate water through solar collectors and into the home.
    • Indirect Circulation Systems – Indirect systems work best in areas that are prone to freezing temperatures. They use pumps that circulate non-freezing, heat-transfer fluid through solar collectors and a heat exchanger, which heats the water that flows into the home.

    Passive Solar Water Heating Systems

    solar, water, system, repair

    Passive systems are typically less expensive than their counterparts but are not quite as efficient. However, they tend to last longer. Styles include:

    • Integral Collector-Storage Passive Systems – These systems comprise large, black storage tanks. Sunlight heats the water directly before it flows into your home.
    • Passive Thermosyphon Systems – Thermosyphon systems heat small batches of water using metal flat plate collectors. They typically contain 40 gallons of water.

    Benefits of Solar Water Heaters

    If you want to do your part to protect the environment, you should consider a solar-powered water heater for your Seattle area home. You can experience all the benefits of a traditional water heater along with the peace of mind knowing you are helping save the planet. Among the benefits of solar water heaters are:

    • Reduced carbon footprint
    • Energy savings
    • Improved air quality
    • Enhanced water quality
    • Increased home value

    Why Solar is a Good Idea

    Solar water heaters, also known as solar domestic hot water systems, are a cost-effective solution to generate hot water for an entire household. These systems may be used in any climate, and sunshine – the primary fuel source – is entirely free!

    Your average solar water heating system includes a storage tank and a series of solar collectors – mounted on the roof or otherwise. There are two types of systems: active, which uses circulating pumps and controls, or passive, which does not. Either one is a Smart choice for today’s homeowners.

    Most solar water heaters require a well-insulated tank. Each tank has an additional outlet and inlet connected to and from the collector. In a two-tank system, the water heater preheats water beforehand. In a one-tank system, the backup heater is combined with the storage in a single tank. Depending on space requirements, you may opt for either setup. There’s no wrong answer here!

    Overall, solar-powered heating solutions are becoming an efficient and cost-effective tool. Those who make use of such a system often enjoy exponential savings throughout the year. Your cost of installation will be quickly recouped over time as your monthly utility bills will decrease.

    What is The Lifespan of a Solar Water Heater?

    A solar water heater can last anywhere from 15 to 25 years, with proper maintenance and upkeep. If a solar water heating system is installed and maintained correctly, it can provide a reliable source of hot water for many years. On the other hand, lack of proper maintenance and upkeep can significantly shorten the lifespan of a solar water heater.

    Inspect and maintain your solar water heater at least once a year to ensure it is functioning properly and to identify any potential issues early on. This will help extend the life of your solar water heater and ensure that it continues to provide hot water efficiently for many years to come.

    Just like any other appliance, regular maintenance is key to prolonging the lifespan of a solar water heater. So, if you want your solar water heater to “live long and prosper”, make sure to give it the attention and care it deserves.

    Tax Credit on Solar Water Heater in Hawaii

    • Honolulu Solar Roofs Initiative: Low-interest loans are available for income-qualified homeowners in Honolulu for the installation of solar hot water systems.
    • Maui Solar Roofs Initiative: Zero-interest loans are available for residents of Maui looking to install a solar hot water system.

    If you’d like to take advantage of solar water heating, contact Emergency Plumbing Solar by calling (808) 691-9309 Oahu, (808) 400-8811 Hawaii Island. We’ve witnessed firsthand the benefits of solar water heating systems, and we know you’ll love them, too!

    Solar Hot Water Heater Installation Repair


    Solar hot water systems are also known as Solar Domestic Hot Water (SDHW) and Solar Thermal Systems (STS). 20-30% of the average residential electric bill is generated by the use of its hot water heater. Most of the hot water generated by electric or gas hot water heaters isn’t even used. Home owners are wasting money on electricity for hot water they aren’t using. Chances are that as you are reading this, your water heater is using energy to keep water hot that you will never use!The average household with a traditional water heater emits 2 tons of CO2 from the use of their water heater each year. Making the switch to a solar hot water will save up to 90% of the money you spend on electric for hot water and will make a positive environmental impact. That is why 1.5 million homes and businesses in the United States have made the switch to solar hot water heaters.

    Cost Effective and Highly Efficient

    Solar water heaters are the most cost effective way to generate hot water for you home. Installing a solar hot water system can reduce your hot water costs 50- 90%. Solar hot water heaters qualify for a 30% Renewable Energy Tax Credit from the federal government. A solar hot water heater will generate hot water all year round and can last 25 years or longer with regular inspection and maintenance. Solar hot water systems usually work in conjunction with existing electric or gas hot water heaters to help offset the loads on the system during increased usage or cloudy days.


    solar, water, system, repair
    • Reduces Dependence On Fossil Fuel and Foreign Oil
    • Reduces Co2 And Sulfur Dioxide Emissions
    • Qualifies For 30% Federal Tax Credit
    • Qualifies For Many Utility Company Rebates
    • Exempt From Florida State Sales Tax
    • Protects From Future Rate Increases
    • Increases Property Value
    • Provides Hot Water During Power Outages

    Solar thermal repairs maintenance

    We repair, maintain and service solar hot water systems.

    Solar is a fantastic eco-friendly way of heating your hot water. Rayotec ensures your solar hot water system keeps your hot water flowing efficiently with a range of repair and maintenance services.

    Do you need help with the following:

    • System not working / generating heat
    • Noisy system (indicative of air in system or component failure)
    • Periodic antifreeze replacement (essential every 4 years)
    • Solar panel removal and reinstallation due to reroofing

    Why choose Rayotec?

    • Free Assessment and Fault FindingFree telephone or email assessment and fault finding.
    • Which Trusted TraderWe are proud to be Which Trusted Traders and follow their code of practice for your peace of mind.
    • AccreditationWe are accredited by MCS and are also NICEIC Approved Contractors.
    • ExperiencedWe are a family business and have installed and serviced thousands of systems over the last 30 years
    • Great ValueWe have local engineers dotted around the South East and group call outs together to lower costs.
    • For dometic systems we cover Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire, Middlesex, Berkshire, Kent and Greater London
    • For commercial system we cover the South East, Greater London, Midlands Bath Bristol area.

    Contact us

    Enter your details below and one of our team will be in touch

    Our Services:

    Fault Finding Repair Service

    Sometimes, regardless of the care you take, things can go wrong with your solar thermal system. In these situations you can get in touch with us knowing that, with our local offices in the South East and our wealth of experience and knowledge of solar thermal hot water systems we will be able to get to you quickly to locate the problem and resolve it so that your system is back up and running as swiftly as possible.

    Common problems we deal with:

    • Faulty pumps
    • Control unit and sensors failing
    • Air locks / blockages with the pipework
    • Leaking components ( pipework, expansion vessels)
    • Leaking hot water cylinders
    • Storm damage
    • Loss of pressure
    • Panels being removed and reinstalled due to reroofing

    DIY Solar Hot Water System Overview and Operation!!!

    We unfortunately cannot help with Thermodynamic systems

    How does a Flat Panel Solar Water Heater Work? (Indirect System Explained)


    Rayotec is a family run business. With over 30 years of experience working in Solar Energy under our belts you can rest assured that we have the knowledge and expertise to check your system thoroughly and efficiently.

    As Which? Trusted traders we ensure that the work we do is of the highest quality and that our customers get the exceptional service that we are known for. We have installed thousands of system throughout the South of England and as a well established business we are able to group our calls geographically in order to keep your costs low, and with every call including up to 1 full hour of labour we are able to offer the highest level of service at the best possible price.

    Added to that, as we are based in the South East of England, we are in the perfect place to offer expert, local advice and servicing to the Greater London Area and the Home Counties.

    Health Check Antifreeze Change

    A ll solar hot water systems use antifreeze as it’s heat exchange liquid to protect it from freezing in the colder months. This liquid degrades over time and should be changed every few years so we recommend a Full Health Check every four years to review the system and check the quality of the liquid to ensure it is working as it should to protect your panels from low temperatures in the winter. During our 4 yearly assessment we will:

    • Inspect the solar array for any damage or material failure (if access is available otherwise from ground level visual assessment)
    • Inspect any visual pipework and insulation
    • Check the performance of all system valves and controls
    • Check the circulation of the system
    • Test the quality of the anti-freeze liquid
    • Drain down and dispose of old fluid where necessary
    • Supply new anti-freeze and recommission where necessary

    Taking care of your Solar Thermal System

    It is important that you give your solar thermal system an occasional inspection yourself to check for any obvious issues, and arrange regular check ups to ensure that your system continues to work at its maximum efficiency and getting you the most out of your investment.

    Keep Them Clean. The variability of The Great British Weather is such that dirt and dust are not likely to build up on your solar panels, making them pretty much self-cleaning, but it is worth keeping an eye just to make sure that there is no build up of grime that can reduce the effectiveness of the panels.

    Look out for Over Hanging Trees. Keep an eye out for any infringing greenery that has sprouted up and may be overshadowing your roof and blocking the precious sunlight from your panels. (Make sure that you check with the necessary authority before you start lopping down trees!).

    Cast an occasional eye over the system. Every now and again do a quick visual check to make sure there are no obvious faults. That there are no leaks around the joints (antifreeze has a distinctive pungent smell), that the pressure is as it should be, the fan comes on when it is supposed to, there are no obvious cracks or damage etc.

    Get Regular Health Checks. Just like your car, your Solar Hot Water System needs a regular check-up to make sure that the system is operating as it should. Our experienced and efficient team of engineers are familiar not only with the systems that we have installed ourselves but also a whole range of different Solar Thermal Systems. They will use their knowledge and expertise ensure your solar energy system continues to provide you with plenty hot water, and ensure you enjoy all the long term benefits of a properly functioning solar energy system for many years to come.

    solar, water, system, repair

    How Does Solar Water Heating Work?

    Solar water heater systems are comprised of a storage tank and solar collectors. These solar collectors absorb the solar energy that’s necessary to heat the water in your home. Solar water heaters come in two types of models: active or passive. It’s important to choose the right style for your personal hot water needs—something we can help you make an educated decision about. We’ll be happy to discuss your options with you and discuss what has worked for your Sacramento, CA neighbors in the past.

    There is one of two different types of pumps for active solar water heaters. The first is the direct circulation pump, which circulates water through the solar collectors and into your home. The other is the indirect circulation system, which pumps a heat transfer fluid through the collectors and heat exchangers.

    Although Sacramento, CA doesn’t experience the severe winter weather that other parts of the country do, indirect circulation systems are usually a wise choice, as you won’t have to worry about any freezing occurring within the lines. If you’re unsure of which active solar heater is right for you, just ask our Installation Specialists.

    What Is Passive Solar Water Heating?

    When you’re looking for maximum affordability, you may want to consider the passive solar water heating system. While it typically won’t be as efficient as the active solar water heating system, it can be more reliable and even have a longer lifespan. If your home requires a good amount of hot water throughout the day, then a passive system may be the right option.

    Similar to the active model, the passive solar water heater also has two types. There is the integral collector—a good choice for homes in areas where temperatures are not often below freezing—and the thermosiphon system, which requires the collector to be installed below the storage tank for warm water to rise into the tank as cooler water sinks. The latter is usually a bit more expensive upfront, but can certainly help with efficiency.

    Comprehensive Solar Water Heating Services from the Pros

    There are a variety of factors that impact the installation of your solar hot water heater, including exposure to sunlight, average climate in your area, and even building codes. To keep everything straight and ensure you are choosing the best option for your home, it’s important to work with the experienced and professional Installation Specialists on our team.

    And don’t forget, once your solar water heater is professionally installed, it will still need to be serviced by the pros. Routine maintenance will ensure it stays in good condition and operates as it should for as long as it should. When you enroll in our maintenance plan, not only will you get regular maintenance visits but also priority service and discounts for repairs and new installations. For reliable solar water heating, reach out to our staff today!

    What Your Neighbors Say

    A total quality experience.

    Sierra Pacific Home Comfort, Inc.

    A total quality experience.

    Sierra Pacific is an excellent company. There customer service is amazing. They came out to service our pool solar the same day we placed the call to them with an issue we were having. They really work with you to figure out what the problem is. Their communication with us throughout the entire process was impressive. The technician was extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and had us up and running in a very short amount of time. We highly recommend them!

    Jake is an asset to your company!!

    Tony did a great job and was very professional. I felt very comfortable with the overall service. However, we never received the e-mail copy of the service report afterwards. I tried calling, e-mailing, left messages and whatever I could think of but received no response from the service department.This experience in itself leaves me to wonder if I will call again if this is an example of what I can expect if I ever had an emergency. I know this is a busy time of the season but its to bad you may have lost a customer because of the lack of follow-up.

    Sierra Pacific (SP) has been our HVAC service provider for over 18 years. Based upon our experience with their prompt and excellent expertise, we decided to go with SP to install a new HVAC and whole house fan system. I’m fairly sure we could have found another company who would do the job for less, but we were willing to pay a bit more for the sure thing as far as customer service and future maintenance.The initial project designer. Blake, and initial site inspector (name?) were super informative and helpful.The installation crew, Gabriel, Blake, Isaac and Sam (HVAC) and Chris Ross ( whole house fan) were a professional, hard working, informative crew, who demonstrated patience with my need for attention to detail. LOL!Like most home improvement projects there were hiccups, but all were due to issues with our house ( wiring etc.) SP’s follow-up appointments with Brad and Rick were awesome. And these guys were tenacious in their efforts to make it all better.Reaching the service department was great, but contacting the Installation department involved some frustration. Numerous times, I was advised the installation department would get back to me and they did not, which required me to be on extended hold too many times. One time, the service rep. put me on hold to walk over to the installation department, only to inform me the install office ladies had gone home early. LOL. Grrrr.Overall, we are very pleased to have gone with Sierra Pacific for this large home project. The HVAC and Whole House Fan work well and we’re confident the warranty and service plan will be supported in the future.

    The team was very professional and thorough with their work. Trevor spent the time explaining how everything works and to ensure thoroughness used a checklist to ensure nothing was missed. a final walk thru QC was done and minor things were corrected on the spot. the rest of the team was very professional as well and they all took pride in their work.

    Chaz did a great job. He performed in a very safe manner, very polite and did the job quickly.

    Rep. took time to explain steps he took to service our unit.

    Both technicians were pleasant to work with and gave advise where needed.

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