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Does Cleaning Solar Panels Make a Difference. Waterless solar panel cleaning

Does Cleaning Solar Panels Make a Difference. Waterless solar panel cleaning

    Does Cleaning Solar Panels Make a Difference?

    Solar panels are made to be exposed to the elements. However, this does not mean that they do not require any maintenance. Although very little and only from time to time, a good cleaning routine can help your solar energy system generate more – energy. In fact, clean panels are known to produce more power, while leaving them dirty for too long can risk making them more susceptible to breakage and malfunction.

    However, cleaning them too often or too aggressively can cause other types of issues, which again include breakage and malfunction. For this reason, you should either: 1. Hire a professional, or 2. Learn how to do it yourself. As the first option can be costly, we will FOCUS on knowing how to clean them yourself. Cleaning solar panels does not take much time, can be done in an afternoon, and you will be rewarded with a higher solar power production without hiring a costly solar panel cleaning service.

    We will also discuss some affordable cleaning tools and compare them. Knowing what types of tools you should use is one of the best ways to prevent scratches and other damage to the (not so) delicate solar panels. Knowing what each tool can remove will keep dirty solar panels at bay and will help the panels installed on your rooftop offset as much of your energy consumption as possible. With that being said, let’s move on and dive right in.

    Solar Energy Equipment Maintenance

    So, cleaning is important. But what parts to clean and what parts to avoid? After all, shouldn’t you clean the entire system at once? Well, not really, as this can cause more damage than good. Your solar panel system is a complex system, consisting of many parts:

    • The solar panel array,
    • The wiring,
    • The solar inverter,
    • The solar battery,
    • The solar charge controller, and
    • The connection to the main panel.

    The solar panel array further consists of all the solar panels you have that are connected to the system. This is the only part of the system that you should clean. This is the part that produces solar power and should be kept as clean as possible to maximize the solar output of your solar panels.

    The wiring on the underside of the panels should never be touched. These are ‘live’ wires, and you risk either damaging them or getting electrocuted. The only time you should really check the wiring is if you notice birds underneath (in systems with a wider gap between the roof and the panels) or if a particularly strong wind log in a branch in the space between. In all other cases, this is a job of a professional to check.

    All other parts, including the solar inverter, the solar battery, the charge controller, and the connection to the mains, should never be touched. Making sure that these parts of the solar panel system are kept dry and protected from the elements (such as your garage or a special shed), should be enough. Keep the area around them clean and easily accessible (no boxes with old toys around them), and you will be good to go for over a decade.

    Never forget that all parts of your solar panels and all other equipment should be inspected once a year. This should pinpoint any problems that your system may encounter and will help you get the most out of your solar panels. Solar panel cleaning services should be called in for regular maintenance, but a lot of the work is the work you can do yourself.

    Cleaning Solar Panels

    This work generally includes removing any debris and dust that may have settled on your panes. The debris can include leaves of all sizes, shapes, and colors, pollen particles, bird droppings, and all other debris that is specific to your area. On the other hand, some dust is present wherever you live, so it should be cleaned regularly, irrelevant of where you may live.

    As always, the location where the solar panels are installed is not the only thing that can influence your solar panels efficiency and how often you should clean them. In fact, there is a number of factors that you should consider in addition to giving them an eye inspection every week or so:

    • The area you live in,
    • The vicinity of any agricultural fields,
    • The vicinity of thermal power plants (especially coal and oil-powered),
    • The vicinity of blooming trees and other vegetation which may produce a lot of pollen,
    • The vicinity of large bodies of water, especially the sea and the ocean,
    • The orientation and tilt (the angle) of your solar panels,
    • The vicinity of desserts,
    • Nearby bird settlements, and migratory bird patterns
    • The precipitation patterns in your area.

    All of these should be taken into account, as all of these factors may contribute to making your solar panel maintenance more or less frequent. DIY solar panel upkeep is not difficult, but doing it too rarely can compromise the panel efficiency while doing it too often and in a less-than-ideal way can compromise their structure, increase the corrosion rate, and, overall, damage your solar panels. You do not need entire solar farms to pay attention to all these details – a few minutes of your time spent researching the topic is usually enough.

    Common Causes of Dirt in Solar Panels

    With all these factors influencing your solar panel’s performance, the story should be made simpler before we make it detailed again. Regular cleaning is necessary, especially for all those who want to rely on renewable energy output for most of their energy needs. Knowing how and when to clean your panels will provide you with maximum efficiency and will influence which cleaning tools you use: in most cases, a soft sponge and a very mild dish soap will resolve 99% of the issues that may interfere with energy production.

    Dust, leaves, water, bird droppings, and pollen are among the most common polluters that can influence your system’s efficiency. Regularly cleaning these will make sure your panel work at peak capacity and that your solar investment is paid back in as short of a time as possible. Now, let’s consider different pollutants that may stick to the glass surface, rendering solar cells useless.

    does, cleaning, solar, panels


    The first and the most common polluter is dust. The dust consists of hair, dead skin cells, small fragments of plastic and sand, or even soil – depending on where you live. This does not mean that living in an area with a lot of trees and little to no exposed soil nearby will guarantee that you will have no issues with solar panels – remember that there is some dust even in rainwater and that clean solar panels mean no residue on them whatsoever.

    The dust issue is especially pronounced in desert areas, as well as in agricultural areas. In the former, dust is an ever-present problem, especially if you live down the wind from sand and areas with eroded land – more frequent cleaning resolves this issue. However, if you live in an agricultural area, your panels may get covered in dust every time the land is tilled – especially during spring and autumn, and even in the summer in multi-crop or multi-harvest areas (generally to the South of the US).


    Dust is almost never an issue in heavily wooded areas, as trees help clean the air and filter out all the soil and sand particles from the air, especially when coupled with regular rainfall. However, these trees could be deciduous, and the leaves that fall from them every autumn can get carried by the wind for miles at times. These leaves can then be deposited onto your solar panels and cover a larger area in a single day than dust ever could.

    Leaves can be removed by means of a soft brush or a water hose. However, leaving them on the panels for too long can cause issues, such as partial breakdown, where the leafy materials turn into a paste of a sort that sticks to the panels and may require more scrubbing than blowing them away. In any case, if you need regular gutter cleaning, you will need regular panel cleaning as well. This is usually done once a year, in late autumn when most leaves have fallen.


    We’ve already mentioned that you can use water to remove the leafy deposits and dust from the solar panels, but did you know that water can also make your panels dirty? The thing is that all water, rainwater included, contains minerals and impurities that most homeowners would not stress about too much. However, these impurities and minerals can solidify over dirt deposits and debris that already exist on your solar panels, making them mat and stick to the surface of the panels.

    In this case, professional cleaning services should come to the rescue and restore the solar panel’s performance. The thing is that cleaning these solidified deposits requires one to climb the roof to remove them by hand or by tools, and not everyone has the necessary safety precautions and equipment to do that safely. However, regular hosing down or brushing down of your panels should help tremendously and prevent you from having to call professional services to keep the panels in their top shape.

    Bird Droppings

    Besides water, another kind of liquid is notoriously difficult to remove from the panels. These would be bird droppings. These droppings are the most common in areas where there are a lot of birds, in areas over which birds migrate twice a year (both in the spring and the autumn), and in the vicinity of bird sanctuaries.

    Bird droppings are a notorious enemy of your solar system, as they can deliver multiple types of damage all at once. They cover the panels, making them less efficient. They can damage the protective lining on the exposed metal parts of the panels (thanks to harsh chemicals that can be found in bird droppings), causing corrosion and possible water penetration. In addition to this, some smaller birds may decide to nest under your panels, possibly causing damage to the wiring. In any case, birds are a big no no for your panels.


    And finally, pollen is another pollutant that can be frequently found on solar panels. This type of pollutant cannot be removed by water only, as in most cases, pollen is either fatty or water-repellent. Frequent cleaning with a brush and water seems to do the trick, but be careful not to damage the protective lining on your solar panels. A soft cloth and some mild laundry detergents can help clean the panels, but make sure to be cautious and always rinse the panels after using soap.

    frequent cleaning of your panels will help prevent a lot of damage done to them and will help you achieve all the positive effects of new (and clean solar panels). Regularly removing dust, pollen, bird droppings, and leaves will also protect your panels over longer periods of time, as dirty areas produce no electricity, can overheat, and even burn out. When you clean your solar panels regularly, you ensure the maximum of each solar panel’s performance, fewer visits to solar companies, and less money spent on professional cleaning companies.

    Effects of Cleaning Solar Panels

    So, an increase in the production rate of your panels is one of the most common benefits that you can see when you keep your panes clean. Professional cleaners charge a lot, so investing in a simple soft brush and some cleaning tools with low cleaning power (pressure washers are out of the question) will help you tremendously.

    Solar panels that are kept clean can produce at least 5% more power than those that are not kept clean. In fact, your panels can lose up to 5% of their efficiency per quarter, a trend that continues until the panel loses about ⅓ of their total power output – or about 35% of it. That can all add up to up to 20% power output loss every year, so make sure there is no bird poop and leaves on your panels.

    Besides an increase in power production, extra cleaning will also help your panels last for much longer. Panels that are dirty, even partially, will overheat, especially the solar cells that are covered in dirt. This can make them burn out and last less than your warranty says, they should – typically 20-30 years. A buildup of dirt not only damages their production and longevity but will also attract birds and pests.

    Solar Panel Cleaning Options

    To keep all this damage at bay, it is important to clean your solar panels at least (!) once a year. This will keep them in their pristine state and will guarantee that you get exactly what you paid for – a lot of solar power and less build-up of pollutants. As a rule of thumb, whenever you think you should clean your gutters, clean your panels as well.

    DIY Solar Panel Cleaning

    So, assuming you clean the gutters once a year and in the fall, this is the perfect time to clean your solar panels. In a DIY setting, you will need a water hose, a brush (a soft one), and a soft rag. You may also want to use soapy water, especially in areas prone to pollen and bird droppings.

    Start by hosing down the panels with water, but avoid getting water splashes on the underside. You should also consider doing so early in the morning or an hour or so after the sun has set to prevent cracks from cold water hitting the hot panel surface. Wearing a safety harness is also a must, even with a lot-lying roof, as you can never be too cautious.

    Once this is done, you should use the brush or the rag to remove any dirt that may have stuck to the panel’s surface. Doing so will render the solar panels clean, even from the dirt and oily stains that you may not always be able to see. This will improve the solar panel’s performance. Once done, you should use the garden hose again to remove the soap residue and any particles that got loose while scrubbing.

    Safety Tips

    At all times, you should keep caution and wear your harness. This will guarantee that you do not slip and fall. Never forget that the roof is tilted and that soapy water can get very slippery, irrelevant to the surface, or drops on. Always wear protective boots and never step on the panels themselves – they can be very slippery, causing you to fall, and may even crack under your own weight.

    Professional Solar Cleaners,

    On the other hand, you can always call professional cleaning services. They will come, estimate the dirt build-up and the type of dirt, and will be able to use professional (and gentle) solar panel cleaning tools that you may not have or not know how to use properly. You will have to pay, though, depending on the size of the system, the ease of accessibility, and the dirt built up

    When do you Call for Cleaning?

    You should not call cleaning services every time you clean your panels. In general, once a year will suffice, especially if you have a lot of pollen in your area or bird poop on the panels themselves. Dust buildup can be removed more easily, and you will be able to take care of that yourself. Mind you, waiting for the rainfall to remove the dirt will not rid you of all of it – in fact, experiments show that actually cleaning your panels will provide you with more power output than rainfall ever could.

    Automated Solar Panel Cleaners

    As an attempt to reduce cleaning costs, especially with dust build up on solar farms, automated solar panel cleaners clean instead of you or the workers with a soft cloth. These cleaners are automated, can be very gentle to the surface of the panels, and use a mix of brushes and water to remove most of the dirt. There are even software solutions that can monitor the power output of your solar panels and inform you when it may be time to clean them. Some cleaning professionals use these solutions.

    Solar Panel Cleaning Costs

    Since there are many ways to clean your solar panels, it is worth comparing their pricing. We’ve mentioned DIY cleaning, calling professionals for help, and using automatic cleaners. Let’s consider the pricing:

    DIY Cleaning 0.00. the best option only if your roof is accessible, and you have no fear of heights
    Professional Cleaning 140-180 per cleaning
    Automatic Cleaners 1,500-3,000. single time purchase, can be reused

    How Frequently Should You Clean Solar Panels?

    The solar industry standard for when solar panels need cleaning differs from state to state and area to area. However, they should be cleaned AT LEAST once a year. However, there are some factors that you should consider that may say you need to clean your panels more frequently. These include:

    • The location of solar panels,
    • System design,
    • Installation angle,
    • Size of solar panels,
    • The number of solar panels,
    • The types of dirt commonly found in your area, and
    • The local weather.


    The location is the sole most important contributor to how often you should clean your solar panels. The location will influence by specific pollutants, pollen, bird migratory and settlement patterns, the vicinity of water bodies, and eroded soil areas (deserts). Let’s check them out in more detail:

    Polluted Areas

    Polluted areas are any areas where there are factories, thermal power plants, highways, airports, etc. These areas are known for increased dust and micro and nano plastic particles and their concentrations. In addition to these, your solar panels may also experience a higher build-up of oil stains, which can lock in all other types of pollutants and render cleaning with water only impossible.

    Wooded Areas

    Heavily wooded areas have the benefit of filtering the air as it passes through them to remove or reduce other types of pollutants, in particular dust and any particles. However, wooded areas are also prone to producing more pollen, which can stick to the surface of your solar panel. The solar industry also notes that areas with a lot of deciduous trees pose the issue of fallen leaves covering your panels.


    Deserts and any areas with eroded or eroding soil can also pose significant issues to solar panels. These areas are known for high dust concentrations and the heavy buildup on the panels themselves. In these areas, solar panels need cleaning more often than once a year. A single sand or dust storm can easily reduce the efficiency of your panels by up to 35% – meaning you should clean them every time there is a storm.

    System design

    The way that your system has been designed can also influence how often you should clean your panels. All the pollutants reducing efficiency can be removed or made difficult to stick to your panels by means of microstructure on the panel surface, removed by means of waterless vibration or the installation range.

    Installation Angle

    The installation angle here is unfortunately fixed and is usually tied to the number of degrees of latitude. This means that if you live at 45 degrees North, this is exactly the tilt that your panels should have. A higher tilt means that more dust will be blown away or washed away naturally, rendering cleaning your panels much less frequent. However, the closer to flat panels that you get, the more difficult it gets to clean them and the more deposits there will be.

    Size/number of Panels

    The size of the solar panels can make them more prone to certain pollutants, such as dust, as smaller panels mean smaller vertices can form and clean them for you. Likewise, the more solar panels you have, the less frequently you will need to clean them, as more panels should be able to produce more power than you really need – up to 10% in some system configurations.

    Types of dirt

    The type of dirt deposited on panels can also have a say in how often your should clean them. Not all types of dirt reduce the light that passes through this dirty layer equally. In general, the bigger the particles, the worse, and the same go for the color of the particles themselves – the darker they are (exhaust from cars, planes, or factories), the more light they will absorb, making you clean your solar panels more frequently.


    The weather patterns can help and do the cleaning for you. Namely, each event of rain will remove some dirt from your panels. If you experience rain every few days or even biweekly, you will need to clean your panels only once a year. On the other hand, in areas with heavy snowfall, you will need to clean your panels more frequently – this time, to remove snow.

    The duration between Thorough Cleanings

    There is no ideal time or duration between the cleaning sessions of your panels. In fact, you need to observe them to make sure they can stay reasonably clean. In general, cleaning them once a year is a must, while anything more frequent than this should only be done if there is a need for it. Desert areas and agricultural areas are also areas where panels should be cleaned more regularly.


    How do you Make Solar Panels 100% Efficient?

    Solar panels are up to 22% efficient with top-tier technology that is available today. To make them use 100% of that power, there are several things to do:

    Make sure your solar panels face south, 2. Make sure they are tilted properly, 3. Make sure to clean solar panels regularly, 4. Cleaning solar panels should be done with specialized (but affordable) equipment, 5. Make sure to invest in a high-quality power inverter.

    If possible, invest in CPV (Concentrated PhotoVoltaic), to gain more efficiency.

    Can Solar Panels be Self Cleaning?

    In most cases, solar panels are self-cleaning. That means that thanks to their smooth surface and their tilt, any wind or rain will be able to remove most of the fallen leaves, debris, and dust. However, you will also need to clean solar panels occasionally – especially as the debris can build up. Solar panel cleaning is easy and takes very little time. It should be done twice a year.

    Can you Clean Solar Panels Without Water?

    Yes, solar panel cleaning without water is possible. What you will need is a soft, wide brush, some time, and patience. Some people also use leaf blowers to do the job, but this may not always be advisable, especially as malfunctioning leaf blowers may blow out bits and pieces of metal or plastic at high speeds.

    How Often Should I Clean My Solar Panels?

    Solar panel cleaning depends on what type of area you live in. If you live in a desert or a dusty area, cleaning your solar panels frequently will remove any dust deposits from them. If, on the other hand, you live in an area with little dust and a lot of rain, you may only need to clean your panels once or twice a year.


    Your panels need to be cleaned only once every so often. And while once a year is the gold standard, cleaning them even more frequently with a non-abrasive sponge should be done in some areas. Keeping your panels clean will help you increase their power output and will help them pay off faster.

    Solar Panel Cleaning Machine

    by US Admin June 15, 2022 Barnes Solar 0 Комментарии и мнения владельцев

    Get high-quality solar panel cleaning equipment

    Although solar panels are durable and durable, they’re not invulnerable. They are designed to withstand harsh outdoor conditions and are susceptible to failure if they aren’t maintained properly. Barnes Solar is committed to making life easier for customers through new solar panel cleaning tools. Our products will reduce your workload and increase the longevity of your solar panels. Make sure your solar equipment is protected by using a reliable and dependable solution. Our solar panel washing system is specifically designed to meet the requirements of our customers.

    Multiple Control Options Flexibility

    The different solar panels will have different needs. Clean panels in residential settings may not require a weekly or monthly maintenance. The Barnes Solar‘s solar panel cleaning machine is a fantastic help for panels in dirty and dusty areas. Cleansing solar panels is easy and adaptable. Cleaning can be approached using three different methods:

    Manual – Clients prefer to be in complete control of their schedule for cleaning. Customers prefer to clean their panels when it is necessary or when there is a lot of dust. You might want to run your system after a stormy or windy day. This flexibility allows clients to modify their system to suit their unique needs.

    Automated – This is for customers who prefer to be hands-off. Clients can arrange cleaning schedules for a month or a week and the solar equipment will handle the remaining tasks. All you have to do is select one of the scheduled options available in the solar panel washing machine.

    Pre-Programmed Scheduling is a great option for customers who require an individual option. When your panel is in a dusty and dry area You may want to clean them once every five days to ensure efficiency. It is possible to have the flexibility and control, while the custom-designed schedule allows you to have the optimal of both. This advanced feature is offered in our washing machines for solar panels.

    Contact our experts to learn more regarding cleaning schedules. Before they recommend a solution they’ll ask you questions about your solar panel’s installation, location and the use of it.

    Advantages of Solar Panel Production System

    People don’t like to spend their money on things that aren’t necessary. A lot of solar panel owners believe that the system needs to be cleaned once a year. Numerous studies have shown that solar panels suffer from poor maintenance and cleaning. Our robot will provide simple and efficient cleaning that can enhance the performance of your PV plant. Let’s look at the benefits:

    • Ultra-Soft brush. Barnes Solar solar panel cleaners have ultra-soft bristles. They are gentle on panels and can pick up dust easily and efficiently.
    • Dry Cleaning Solution. Solar panel washing machines don’t require water to clean the panels. This reduces the possibility of damage as well as preserving water.
    • Lower operating costs – The machines do not require a lot of maintenance or care. Clients won’t have to worry about frequent repairs or breakdowns so long as they follow the instructions.
    • SCADA-Responsive – Clients manage the robot through joining it with SCADA. The solar panel wash systems are sensitive to weather conditions. so they will not work during rainy weather.
    • Self-powered solar panel cleaner is self-powered. It doesn’t require you recharge the battery or connect it to the power source. It will automatically charge itself whenever it’s running out of power and then shuts off again.

    Solar panel efficiency can be improved through cleaning your panels once per year. Our solar panel cleaning device is a fantastic option. It can prolong the life of your solar panel even more and help you save money and boost your energy production. Barnes Solar dry solar panel cleaning equipment ensures you get the best out of your solar panels.

    The Price of a Solar Cleaning Robot – What You Should Know

    Permanent cleaning solutions are desired by many clients to keep their solar system free of dirt. Clients want a durable effective, reliable and cost-effective solution, but they are reluctant to spend much on it. Barnes Solar is a solar panel cleaning robot. The products result from more than three years of research and testing. They are constructed with by high-quality, durable materials, which means they’ll last for many years. The price of our solar cleaning machine is worth the cost.

    Solar Panel Cleaning System Cost

    Cleaning costs for solar panels are based on the size, amount of modules, and the availability of cleaning supplies. Customers who own 1MW solar plant spend 2.5 to 3.5 only on maintenance, while 80percent of the investment is spent on cleaning.

    Traditional solar cleaning systems use lots of pure water that can make them costly. There are estimates that suggest washing solar panels at an 1MW facility can require up to 40 million fluid liters of pure water during the lifespan of the facility.

    The Barnes Solar‘s Waterless cleaning solutions are more cost-effective and affordable. Our company’s Barnes Solar solar panel cleaning robots cost is affordable. Dry cleaning robots don’t need the most care or maintenance. On request, our experts will provide a precise cost breakdown for ownership. Our specialists are ready to answer any queries you might have regarding the cost of solar-powered cleaning robot.

    Are Solar Panels worth it?

    The robots are more than 1,000 deployed and we have received a number of repeat approval from 11 customers. Our experts are trained to provide tailored recommendations and are aware of the way robots perform in real-world scenarios.

    Here are a few good reasons why solar panel cleaners are worth the price.

    • Increases efficiency. Solar panel efficiency is increased by up to 5% through regular cleaning, dependent on the location that the project is being set up. Our solar modules cleaning robot will make your investment look more appealing. It’s well worthwhile to invest in solar panel cleaning robot.
    • Durability Dust can cause corrosive damage and cause serious harm the solar panel. A reliable system that cleans the panels on a regular basis can dramatically prolong their life.
    • Automated. Barnes Solar machines can be fully automated or semi-automatic. This means they don’t require much manual intervention. It is not necessary to employ specialists or technicians to your staff, or to hire a third party professional. The machine will run automatically in the event that you have a scheduled. Barnes Solar offers a more effective cleaning solution as well as an affordable price on solar panel cleaners.
    • Flexibility – Customers have the choice to follow a predetermined cleaning schedule or create their own cleaning schedule. The system can be operated either manually or automatically.

    Here are some of the reasons why an automatic robot cleaner is worth the initial investment.

    What is included in the price of solar panel cleaning equipment?

    We offer a comprehensive quote that covers all costs involved in the design, development as well as the installation, operation as well as maintenance for solar panels cleaning. We aim to ensure that our clients can plan their budget based on a reasonable estimate. The estimate includes:

    Assistance and Analysis – An expert team meets customers to talk about their requirements and priority areas. They address questions, look over the blueprints of solar plants and offer solutions. Our team will ensure that you get the most cost-effective and economical solar panel cleaning machine prices.

    The Design and Development phase – When our team has received all needed information, they’ll begin to design the custom design. Every PV plant requires a unique, efficient solution. When it comes to designing a custom setup, our engineers are highly knowledgeable and are willing to be willing to share their expertise. SolaBot guarantees efficiency and a reasonable price in solar panel equipment for cleaning.

    Testing. Product development is not complete without testing. Before a product is delivered to the consumer, it goes through extensive testing.

    After testing has been completed to our satisfaction, implementation will begin. All aspects of the implementation are covered as per the procedure for commissioning and execution.

    Barnes Solar Solar Cleaning System

    Our devices can be effective with little human intervention. In order to work properly they require only just a bit of attention. Customers will not face any issues if they follow the directions in the manual. Barnes Solar provides consistent customer support. For repairs, maintenance or troubleshooting we can be reached by our dedicated support team. We are available to answer any questions you may ask about the solar panels washing machine.

    Barnes Solar is the most reliable source for an efficient Solar Panel Cleaning Machine. We’re here to help with any questions you have about our products and the effectiveness of them.

    We are an established and veteran-owned solar panel cleaning business. We offer Residential Solar Cleaning as well as Efficiency Checks or Repair consultations.

    We are a top solar panel cleaning service and maintenance across Las Vegas, Barnes Solar.

    Why Solar Panel Cleaning?

    You can save money and produce more energy.

    To maximize the performance of your solar system, it is important to clean the panels.

    The efficiency of solar panels is severely affected by dirt, dust, and other environmental pollutants. Research has shown how PV panel efficiency could drop by as much as 20% without regular cleansing and maintaining.

    Barnes Solar is available to clean solar panels that are on your roof, solar carports and large underground solar arrays. Our specialists will examine the entire array and do more than just a basic cleansing system for solar panels.

    Get high-quality solar panel cleaning equipment

    Although solar panels are durable and durable, they are not immune to attack. The panels are built to withstand the harsh conditions of outdoor use and may fail in the event that they are not properly maintained. Texas Solar Group is committed to making the process easier for customers through innovative solar panel cleaning tools. Our products can reduce your work load and extend the longevity of solar panels. Secure your solar equipment by using a reliable, dependable solution. The solar panel wash system is specifically designed to meet the requirements of our customers.

    Multiple Control Options Flexible Control Options

    Solar panels with different types have different requirements. Clean panels that are used in residential settings might not require a weekly or even monthly cleaning. Texas Solar Group‘s Solar Panel Cleaner is a fantastic help for panels in dirty and dusty surroundings. Cleansing solar panels is easy and adaptable. Cleaning can be accomplished in three ways:

    Manual-based – Clients prefer to be in complete control of their cleaning schedule. Clients prefer to only clean their panels only when it is required or when they have a lot of dust. It may be beneficial to run your system after an extremely windy or stormy day. This flexibility allows customers to adapt their system to the specific needs of each individual.

    Automated – This option is for clients who would prefer not to have to worry about anything. Clients can arrange cleaning times for a month or a week and our solar-powered cleaning equipment will handle the other tasks. You only need to choose one of the automated scheduling options in our solar-powered panel washer.

    Pre-Programmed Scheduling is a great option for customers who require an option that is custom. In the event that your Windows are located in an unclean and dry location You may want to clean them once every five days to ensure efficiency. It is possible to have flexibility and automation, and a custom schedule gives you the optimal of both. This feature is now available with our Solar Panel Washing Machine.

    Ask our experts for more information regarding cleaning schedules. Before recommending a solution, they’ll ask you questions about your solar panel’s setup, installation, and usage.

    Advantages of Solar Panel Production System

    Many people don’t want to spend their money on items that they don’t need. Many solar panel owners believe that their system should be cleaned just once per year. Numerous studies have demonstrated that solar panels can be affected by inadequate maintenance and cleaning. Our robot provides easy, efficient cleaning that will improve the output that your solar panel. Let’s examine the advantages:

    • Ultra-Soft brushes. Texas Solar Group solar panel cleaners are made of ultra-soft bristles. They are soft on panels and clean up dust easily and efficiently.
    • Dry cleaning solution. Our solar panel washing machines do not make use of water to wash the panels. This reduces the possibility of damage as well as preserving water.
    • Lower operating costs – The machines require little maintenance or maintenance. Customers won’t need to worry about regular repairs or breakdowns so long as they stick to the manual.
    • SCADA-Responsive – Clients can manage the robot through connecting it to SCADA. The solar panel wash systems are also dependent on weather conditions and therefore they aren’t able to function in heavy rain.
    • Self-powered – Our solar panel cleaner also self-powered. It doesn’t require you recharge the battery or connect it to an electrical source. It will automatically charge itself when it is depleted of power and then shuts off.

    The efficiency of solar panels is improved with a thorough cleaning of the panel at minimum once a year. Our solar panel cleaner is a fantastic option. It can prolong the life of your solar panel even more and help you reduce costs and boost your energy production. Texas Solar Group dry solar panel cleaner can ensure that you get the most out from your solar panel.

    The Price of a Solar Cleaning Robot – What You Should Know

    Permanent cleaning solutions are sought-after by many clients who want to ensure their solar system is in good condition. They want a durable effective, reliable and cost-effective solution, but are reluctant to spend an excessive amount of money on it. Texas Solar Group is a solar panel cleaning robot solution. The products result from more than three years of research and testing. They are constructed of from durable, high-quality materials so they will last for years. The price of our solar cleaning machine is well worth it.

    Solar Panel Cleaning System Cost

    The traditional solar systems for cleaning use an abundance of pure water, which could result in them being expensive. According to some estimates, washing solar panels at a 1MW facility may require as much as 40 million Liters of pure water over the life of the plant.

    The Texas Solar Group‘s Waterless cleansing solutions are more cost-effective and affordable. Our company’s Texas Solar Group solar panel cleaning robots cost is affordable. Dry cleaning machines don’t require any maintenance or care. If you contact us, our experts can provide an exact cost breakdown of the ownership. Our experts are on hand to answer any queries you might have regarding the cost of a solar cleaning robot.

    Are Solar Panels worth it?

    Over 1000 robotics were utilised as well as we’ve received repeat approval from 11 customers. Our specialists are certified to offer personalised recommendations and are aware of the way robots perform in real-world situations.

    Here are a few good reasons solar panel cleaners are worth the price.

    • Increases efficiency of solar panels. Solar panel efficiency can be improved up to 5% through regular cleaning, depending on the location in which the project is being set up. Our solar module cleaning robot makes your investment more appealing. It’s worthwhile to invest in solar panel cleaning robot.
    • Durability. Dust can be corrosive and cause severe damage to solar panels. A system that is reliable and cleans the panels regularly can significantly extend their lifespan.
    • Automated. Texas Solar Group machines can be fully automated or semi-automatic. This means they don’t need a lot of manual work. There is no need to employ specialists or technicians to your team or hire a third party professional. The machine will automatically run if you have a schedule. Texas Solar Group offers a more effective cleaning solution as well as a lower price on solar panel cleaners.
    • Flexibility – Clients have the choice to follow a predetermined schedule or create their own cleaning plan. The system can be controlled manually or automatically.

    These are only a few of the reasons why an automatic robot cleaner is well worth the initial investment.

    What is included in the price of solar panel cleaning equipment?

    We provide a complete estimate that includes all the costs that are involved in the development, design as well as the installation, operation as well as maintenance for solar panels cleaning. We aim to ensure that our clients can determine their budget on an accurate estimation. The estimate includes:

    Assistance and Analysis – A seasoned team of consultants meets the clients with a discussion of their requirements and priorities. They answer questions, review solar plant blueprints and provide solutions. Our team will make sure that you get the most cost-effective and economical solar panel cleaning machines at the lowest prices.

    The Design and Development phase – Once our team has received all necessary information, they will begin to design the custom design. Each PV plant needs an efficient, unique solution. While creating a customized configuration our engineers are knowledgeable and are willing to share their knowledge. SolaBot guarantees efficiency and affordability for solar panel cleaning equipment.

    does, cleaning, solar, panels

    Testing. Product development is not complete without testing. Before a product is shipped to the customer it is subjected to extensive testing.

    After the testing is completed with our approval, implementation will begin. All aspects of the installation are covered according to the procedure for commissioning and execution.

    Texas Solar Group Solar Cleaning System

    Our equipment can work effectively with little human intervention. For them to function properly they need only just a bit of attention. Customers won’t face any issues if they follow the instructions in the manual. Texas Solar Group provides consistent customer support. For maintenance, repairs or troubleshooting, you can contact our team of experts. We are available to answer any questions you might have about the solar panels washing machines.

    Texas Solar Group is the most reliable source for reliable Solar Panel Cleaning Machine. We are happy to answer all your questions about our products and their effectiveness.

    We are an experienced and veteran-owned solar panel cleaning service. We offer Residential Solar Cleaning as well as Efficiency Tests and Repair Consultations.

    We are a leading solar panel cleaning company and maintenance throughout Las Vegas, Texas Solar Group.

    Why Solar Panel Cleaning?

    You can reduce your expenses and generate more energy.

    To ensure optimal performance of the solar system it is crucial to clean the panels.

    Solar panel efficiency is severely affected by dust, dirt, and other environmental pollutants. Studies have shown that PV panel performance can decline by as much as 20% without regular cleansing and maintaining.

    Texas Solar Group is available to clean solar panels that are on your roof, solar carports and large underground solar arrays. Our experts will inspect the entire array, and provide more than a simple clean solar system.

    Solar Panel Cleaning Systems and their Pros and Cons

    The following post is dedicated to solar panel cleaning systems for the commercial, industrial and utility-scale solar panel cleaning segment. While productivity rates are a very important KPI to define your solar panel cleaning system, we recommend considering other variables as well. Below you will find our framework for defining the best solar panel cleaning system for your portfolio of assets that need cleaning.

    Compatibility (Machine to solar installation)

    Solar installations are very diverse and that is their nature. It is fundamental that you choose solar panel cleaning machinery/robotics that is compatible with the solar installations you have to clean. For example, you cannot use a tractor/brush system on an agrivoltaic installation that has crops on the ground. To make a good decision, it is important to understand the solar installation types and the machinery available. If you would like to learn more, you can enroll in our Solar panel PV Surface cleaning school.

    The Economic Value of Solar Panel Cleaning and the Opportunity

    Solar panel cleaning is done primarily for economic reasons. Solar farms lose power output and hence revenue. What are the challenges we face in the Solar OM Industry?

    • Quantifying the revenue loss due to soiling
    • Quantifying the ideal cleaning frequency and schedule
    • Quantify the value add from solar panel cleaning
    • Defining the solar panel cleaning equipment that allows for maximum efficiency for the existing PV design
    • Altering the PV design to allow for
    • Efficiency
    • Operator Safety

    Case Study = 50 MW at 45/MWh

    Cleaning frequency if ofter determined by visual inspection but to accomplish an economic impact, it is necessary to work with solutions like our PV soiling monitor and software.

    The Opportunity

    If managed properly, solar panel cleaning does bring significant economic value. However solar panel cleaning goes hand in hand with the opportunity to apply PV anti-reflective coatings. For more information, please feel free to schedule a meeting here. In general, PV anti-reflective coatings increase performance 2-4% however knowing when this should be done is the key to accomplishing this economic opportunity. Below you can see that just 2 applications of PV anti-reflective coatings on a 50 MW site create 1,431,820 gains throughout the solar assets lifetime or an ROI of 294% in 7 years or approximately 42% per year. Since these coatings should be applied immediately after cleaning, it is a service offering that can and should be provided by a solar panel cleaning company. If you are interested in learning more about adding solar maintenance service, please contact us at Soilar Technologies. Below you can see the added value of both services on a 50 MW installation.

    Solar Panel Cleaning Systems

    There are many ways to clean solar panels but the general dos and don’ts include

    • Don’t use a pressure washer
    • Don’t use lots of water (it is expensive and the property owner will not forgive you)
    • Do consider automation as it lowers the cost of cleaning significantly and increases your productivity and quality
    • Understand that there are 2 main segments. 1) Commercial Industrial Solar Panel Cleaning Systems 2) Utility-Scale Solar Panel Cleaning Systems.

    Commercial Industrial Solar panel cleaning systems

    Commercial and Industrial Solar panel cleaning systems are challenging because they rarely have water and energy sources next to the solar panels. They can be dangerous to clean since they may be on rooftops, carports, or off the ground. Each installation is very unique since solar panel installers do not consider cleaning when they design the layout. Soilar Technologies offers this support to PV developers and designers.


    Within semi-automation, you have solar panel cleaning systems

    • Solar Panel Cleaning Robot – The robot is driven by an operator via remote control. The robot travels in xy-axis coordinates and is very similar to driving a remote control toy car. This system requires a high upfront cost but productivity levels improve by 4x. There are several xy semi-automated robots on the market but not all brands are the same and the quality of the manufacturer and post-sale service is important.
    • Pros – Productivity rates improve by 4x, Less exposure to employee lawsuits, it safer than cleaning manually, less water consumption, Facilitates scaling of your business. Payback happens within the first month.
    • Cons – Requires an investment of USD 20,000 – USD 50,000, Operators must be trained, the robots can be heavy and may require 2 to 3 operators. Inclination levels may be an issue.
    • Lift and Shift Solar panel cleaning machine that is moved and allocated by an operator. This system also works nicely but usually requires “Custom-made solar panel cleaning robots”.
    • Pros – If inclination levels are high this robot will work, easy to use, and Payback happens within the 6 months
    • Cons – Time to delivery, since these robots are custom, you will have to wait 3 months to get them.

    Manual Solar Panel Cleaning Systems

    • Cleaning manually with a water-fed pole. While this system “works” for just about any installation, it is expensive in terms of labor rates and liabilities associated.
    • Pros – cheap labor can be used, easy to start a business with this method
    • Cons – Lots of people means lots of liability. Accident levels will be higher with this cleaning system. Water consumption rates are much higher with this system.

    Utility Scale Solar Panel Cleaning Systems

    • Tractor Brush System – This solution requires a higher upfront cost since you need a tractor, hydraulic arm, and Smart rotating brush with proximity sensors however it is the most productive solution on the market.
    • Pros – The cheapest way to clean a utility-scale installation, Great payback, and ROI
    • Cons – Cannot be used on all installations, may not be ideal for very desertic areas such as the Sahara or Atacama desert
    • Powered Lift and Shift – This solar panel cleaning system is great for utility-scale installations where a tractor cannot be used or the ground is pure sand like in the Sahara or Atacama desert. With this solution, the operators fix the robot to several arrays and simultaneously move them down the array. The robots can do dry and wet cleaning and are extremely productive.
    • Pros – This system works on just about every utility-scale installation, Payback compared to manually cleaning is extremely high, CAPEX values are reasonable any ROI usually happens with the first cleaning
    • Cons – expensive than the Lift and Shift system, requires more operators than the Tractor Brush system

    Fixed Slider with Docking Station – 100% Dry cleaning

    Dry Solar Panel Cleaning Robotics

    • – – This system is abuzz these days and conceptually it is very simple. We have one robot per row/array that is fixed and solar-powered. The robot moves back and forth daily and no human intervention is needed. While this system is being implemented the CAPEX values are extremely high and the performance loss due to soiling “the cost of being dirty” on the solar panels has yet to prove that the ROI is ideal.
    • Pros – Human intervention is only required for technical repair. Performance loss due to solar panel soiling is virtually zero. Great for areas that are VERY remote and with extremely high soiling levels.
    • Cons – CAPEX values are VERY high and performance loss due to soiling has to average over 3% for this system to be justified. The financials still do not prove that this system is economically beneficial. These solutions only work in extremely arid regions such as the Atacama and Sahara desert where humidity levels are virtually non-existent since they only do dry cleaning. These solutions do not work well where there is humidity.

    Solar Panel Cleaning Automation is a very young industry. When choosing your system we recommend you work with consultants to find the best solution for your company or installation. Key takeaways

    • Study the system cost not just the cost of the machinery.
    • Calculate your CAPEX OPEX for each system to determine the best solution from a financial perspective.
    • Water is expensive, consider it in your analysis. Different robots have different consumption levels.
    • Robots have different productivity levels, consider this in your analysis.
    • Wear and Tear are extremely important – There are lots of cheap robots on the market that high very high wear and tear costs. Consider this factor in your analysis.
    • Inclination levels are a factor you must know. Not all robots have great inclination levels.
    • PV Soiling Levels are key. You have to compare the cost of being dirty to the cost of each solar panel cleaning system to see with the system is ideal. Invest in soiling monitoring such as the solutions.
    • Work with solar panel cleaning engineers to find the best solution.

    The quest to find the most productive machine

    Most OM directors or solar panel cleaners begin their quest for finding the ideal machinery by looking for the most productive machine in the marketplace. This is a very valid beginning however solar panel cleaning has many complexities and setup time and distance between installations is one of the biggest challenges when trying to do the job.

    Common Mistakes

    Asking the manufacturer of the machinery “How many panels per day can the machine do”? Productivity is ideally measured by square footage or similar. This is a direct relationship between brush width and array width.

    Assuming the answer the manufacturer gives you is truthful.

    Assuming you can be performing impeccably 24 x 7. The distance between sites often conditions your crew to clean one site per day in the case of CI installations.

    Assuming that machinery productivity impacts the project more than logistical efficiency. Experience has shown that logistics are a dominating factor in the success of a project.

    Distance to project sites is a bigger factor than machine productivity

    Setup and Logistics are a bigger factor in many situations (not all) than machine productivity

    Assuming water filtration is done flawlessly and without delays.

    Assuming your crew is 100% productive

    Understanding that weather may impact your productivity more than machine productivity. If it is raining, you cannot clean.

    Assuming that the logistical part of the business is easy

    Learn more about our Solar Panel Cleaning Certified Partners here.

    Copyright © 2019 Carla Dawson. All rights reserved. All documents are protected within the meaning of copyright law. Carla Dawson reserves all rights to exercise intellectual property rights. Copying of this content is not permitted without express written authority. Violations are an offense and are liable for damages.

    Carla Dawson

    Carla Dawson founded Soilar Technologies, a NextGen PV Soiling Mitigation Technology Company in 2019. NextGen PV soiling mitigation can be defined as:

    “Mitigating photovoltaic soiling by using 21st-century technologies throughout the solar plant lifecycle with the objective of increasing performance, reliability, asset life, and warranty compliance. NextGen PV Soiling mitigation is typically a data-enriched Smart system that combines technologies such as solar panel cleaning robotics, PV anti-soiling coatings, PV abrasion testing, bird deterrent solutions, PV soil monitoring, electrodynamic shields (EDS), condensation prevention, tracker/stowage position, and cleaning schedule optimization, solar panel cleaning software, analytics and other technologies.”

    NextGen PV soiling mitigation is a phrase that was coined by Carla Dawson and Klemens Ilse in 2022. Soilar Technologies is dedicated to helping solar panel cleaners, EPC, solar installation companies, and entrepreneurs solve their PV soiling problems from design to the operations and maintenance stage.

    Scientists developed a waterless, no-contact method to clean solar panels

    A group of scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed an automatic, touchless cleaning method to rid solar panels of dust without the need for water.

    does, cleaning, solar, panels

    billion gallons of water wasted each year

    Studies predict that solar power will account for one-tenth of the electricity output of the entire planet by the year 2030. A large portion of it will be generated in desert areas with abundant sunshine

    A major problem often encountered in dry and desert-like regions is dust accumulation. Dust diminishes the effectiveness of panels by a significant margin. Therefore, it is essential to clean panels regularly to remain productive.

    Researchers estimate that, currently, approximately 10 billion gallons of water are used each year to clean solar panels which means we are wasting resources that could otherwise be put to good use elsewhere.

    Sadly waterless cleaning is currently very laborious and inefficient. In addition, it often causes irreparable scratches on the surface of the panels that reduce the effectiveness of panels.

    The effects of dust on solar panel output

    A lot of work goes into improving solar panel materials. Even though more and more effective solar panels are being developed, something as simple as dust puts a severe dent in the total power output.

    According to Kripa Varanasi, professor of mechanical engineering at MIT, dust accumulation can cause a power output reduction of about one-third after only a single month without cleaning. A big deal considering that solar panel advances commonly concern improvements of just a few percent.

    Varanasi explains that even 1% of electrical output reduction can lead to a loss of 200,000 in revenue per year for a 150-megawatt solar power station. On a global scale, a mere 1% reduction in output would mean a loss in revenue of over one billion dollars.

    A lot of the world’s biggest solar power plants are located in desert areas. In general, water cleaning generates approximately 10% of the operating costs of such installations.

    Cleaning solar panels without water

    To mitigate these dust-related issues, the MIT team created an automatic, no-contact method that enables solar panels to be cleaned without the need for water.

    According to the team, their new system could conceivably diminish operating costs while enhancing the general power output by permitting more frequent cleanings.

    Without the use of water or brushes, the new method utilizes electrostatic repulsion to induce dust particles to separate, forcing them to practically leap off the panel’s surface.

    In order to start the system, a simple electrode passes slightly above the surface of a solar panel, delivering an electrical charge to the dust particles. Consequently, the dust particles are pushed away by a charge applied to the solar panel itself.

    According to the researchers, the system can be engaged automatically by employing guide rails along the side of the solar panel and with the help of an electric motor.

    All in all, the innovative system should make cleaning solar panels less expensive, less labor-intensive, and less wasteful.

    If you are interested in a more detailed description of the system, be sure to check out the paper published in Science Advances, listed below.

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