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Anchor SOLIX: balcony power plant comes in two versions. Balcony solar system

Anchor SOLIX: balcony power plant comes in two versions. Balcony solar system

    Anchor SOLIX: balcony power plant comes in two versions

    In times of steadily rising energy costs, many people are looking for alternative power generation. Photovoltaic systems are a popular means of reducing electricity consumption. These can no longer be installed only by homeowners on their own roofs. In the meantime, so-called balcony power plants offer the possibility to generate green electricity from solar energy even as a resident of a rented apartment. This not only protects the environment, but also the wallet. With Anker, another company is now entering the stage of photovoltaic technology. In Munich, the company now presented its system called Anker SOLIX. Let’s take a look.

    Anker SOLIX is the manufacturer’s first balcony power plant

    That Anker is flirting with the market segment of alternative energy generation is not new. After all, the Hong Kong manufacturer has long since moved beyond headphones, Bluetooth speakers and smartphone chargers. With the Anker 767 PowerHouse, which was presented last October, the tech expert also has a real power station on offer. This is supposed to always provide you with enough power on the go thanks to a capacity of 2,048 Wh.

    Now Anker goes one step further and wants to follow the trend of balcony power plants. Attractive government support such as a VAT exemption or even financial subsidies for the purchase of such energy harvesting systems should boost the whole thing once again. In Berlin, for example, balcony power plants are already being subsidized with up to 500 euros. It will probably not last long, until also other Lands of the Federal Republic follow. After all, there is nationwide agreement to create new incentives.

    Anchor SOLIX comes in two designs

    The great advantage in a balcony power plant is certainly the uncomplicated installation, but also uninstallation. Especially the latter ensures that you can also use PV systems like the Anker SOLIX as a tenant. After moving out, it can be removed without leaving any residue. Anker itself wants to go one step further than other manufacturers with its in-house balcony power plant. According to its own information, the company wants to offer a complete package. The balcony power plant will be available in both standard and premium models.

    Regardless of which one you ultimately choose, Anker always wants to include everything you need to install the small power plant. For example, the standard Anker SOLIX RS40 package comes with two PV modules that are supposed to offer 830 watts of power together. In addition, there is an inverter with 600 watts, a universal mounting bracket and the appropriate installation tools. The Anker SOLIX RS40P is supposed to offer more power. The fact that the additional letter P in the product name is supposed to stand for “Premium” becomes clear when looking at the technical data.

    Here, in fact, the two PV surfaces deliver a total of 880 watts, according to Anker. The efficiency of 22.7 percent is on top of that again over a percentage point better than the standard model, which promises more efficiency. Anker also emphasizes the premium model’s chic look. Thanks to IBC technology, the stripes typical of PV systems are barely visible. Accordingly, the two panels look like completely black surfaces. This should especially please landlords who still have to agree to a balcony power plant until now.

    anchor, solix, balcony, power, plant, comes

    Anker promises uncomplicated installation

    In its press release, Anker then makes it clear once again how sensible it is to install its in-house PV systems for balconies. Here, the company not only emphasizes that you can produce up to 500 kW of electricity annually yourself. On top of that, the manufacturer writes that, above all, the environment is also protected in the process. Up to 600 kg CO² can be saved. These are probably two arguments that will make many potential customers prick up their ears. To keep the hurdle to your own balcony power plant as low as possible, Anker SOLIX promises an uncomplicated installation. If you personally want to calculate the benefits of an Anker balcony power plant, you can use the practical cost calculator that the company has put online. In addition to the cost calculator, Anker has also created a small questionnaire that you can use to determine whether an Anker SOLIX system is right for you.

    Apparently, the manufacturer does not only want to score with an efficient and well-designed complete package. On top of that, it promises a quick and uncomplicated installation in just three steps. At the beginning, you should choose a suitable place where you want to place the solar modules. Once this is done, you simply connect them to the inverter. Do the same with the Schuko plug. The second step is to connect the Schuko plug to a socket in your apartment. Maybe even your balcony has an outdoor socket. Once plugged in, you can start saving electricity, according to Anker. The third thing you do is download Anker’s app. Here you should be able to make settings on the system and keep an eye on the energy generated.

    Price and availability

    You can secure the system Anker SOLIX immediately in the standard version for 989 euros and in the premium version for 1,389 euros. This makes the balcony power plants comparatively expensive. Let’s see how fast the market price drops.

    Who belongs to the first 1000 orderers of the Premium version, can profit from a bonus in the total value of nearly 240 euro. The selected group of customers will not only receive practical gadgets in the form of the Anker 633 PowerBank and Anker 737 GaNPrime charger. On top of that, they get free delivery to their doorstep. information about both balcony power plants can be found on the official website.

    Benefits of Installing Solar Systems on Balcony Railing

    People who own their own homes can go solar in a simple way: they can install a solar panel system on their roof and save money as well as the environment.

    Going solar is more difficult for people who live in a rental home or an apartment complex. But don’t be concerned! Even if you don’t have your own roof, you can still benefit from clean solar energy.

    If you own an individual flat, you can install a portable solar system on your balcony or anywhere with good sun exposure. Despite the fact that these systems typically have a low power output.

    Where Can You Place Solar Panels on Apartment Buildings?

    In theory, solar panels can be installed on apartment buildings in any suitable, permitted location. Roof, balcony floor, balcony railings, window sills, and bannisters are examples.

    If using the building’s roof is an option, bolt-on solar panels can be installed. If the roof is unavailable, you could install the plug-in or portable solar panels anywhere in your apartment that receives sufficient sunlight. It could be on a balcony or a railing, for example.

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    Things To Consider

    It would be ideal to have a custom-made supporting structure in the balcony to securely lock the panels in place as a safety measure.

    The size and number of panels are determined by the size of the balcony. The lower the price per watt, the larger the panel.

    Larger panels with 320 or 360W output are available, but they are bulky and heavy; 160 watts would be ideal. A similar panel measures 150x70cm and weighs 12.5kg.

    To connect two panels in series, an inverter with an input voltage of 22-60V would be ideal. Microinverters can also be used in place of standard inverters.

    The Benefits of Balcony Solar Systems

    Solar panels on the balcony can be installed on one’s own. It does not necessitate the assistance of solar installers. If you live in the northern hemisphere, the balcony should face south.

    When the balcony faces south, the solar yields are the highest. This orientation ensures that the most solar radiation is captured. However, when facing east-south and west, solar radiation can result in significant yields by implementing intelligent power optimizers.

    If you own your apartment, using renewable energy will raise its value. This could come in handy if you ever decide to sell your home. It may also appeal to renters seeking environmentally friendly options.

    Another advantage of such an installation is that we can take the solar PV with us when we move out of that apartment.

    Because it is not linked to the apartment’s behind-the-meter electrical grid, this system is simple. That means the system is clean and simple to set up.

    If you wish to learn more about Mibet’s balcony solar mounting system, please click here. We will support you throughout the process, from start to finish.

    Tips for Power Production Optimization

    Batteries are costly, and a solar system for a balcony also includes batteries. That too accounts for the long payback period.

    The power generated by the panels on the balcony will be limited due to the small number of panels and their limited exposure to the sun. There are some pointers for optimizing power production.

    Adjusting the tilt of solar panels according to the seasons aids in power generation. When it comes to adjusting the tilt of panels installed on a balcony, it is simple.

    Small changes can be made every hour, day, or month. Sometimes changing the angle twice or four times a year is all that is required.

    Because the solar panels are so close together, they can be cleaned on a regular basis. Solar panels mounted on the roof are difficult to clean.

    Dust and dirt on the panels result in a 1% loss of generated energy. In regions that are dry, dusty, and heavily traveled, without proper washing, the loss will be between 4-6%.

    Everything to Know About Balcony Solar Panels

    One of the most important aspects of living more sustainably is addressing our energy use. While there’s only so much we can do about reducing our consumption, we can instead consider the source. And this is where renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, come in.

    Did you know you can put solar panels on a balcony? Whether this is new information or not, you’ll find everything you need to know about balcony solar panels below.

    We’ll go over what to know about balcony solar panels, the pros and cons of balcony solar panels, the costs, and how to get one.

    Understanding Balcony Solar Panels

    Just so we’re all on the same page, let’s start by understanding what a solar panel is.

    In short, a solar panel captures sunlight and converts it into electricity using photovoltaic cells. Depending on how the panels are wired up, this energy is either stored in a battery or converted from DC to AC and fed back into the power grid.

    If your solar panels capture enough sunlight and are connected directly to your home’s energy supply, they can essentially feed electricity back into the grid. Depending on your local regulations, this could lead to a rebate on your energy bills.

    Types of Balcony Solar Panels

    There are 2 overall types of balcony solar panels:

    Full-size panels. These are the same as any other solar panels, except they’re fitted on a balcony rather than a rooftop. Normal solar panels are rated for up to 400W.

    Mini solar panels. These are mini units (such as this 100W trickle charger panel or this from EcoFlow) that come with stands so they can be set up on any flat surface. Due to their size and technology, the rated wattage is much lower – the EcoFlow, for example, is 110W.

    The average 400W solar panel measures around 79” x 39” and can weigh up to 50lbs. Unless you have a massive balcony, this could prove impractical.

    Mini solar panel systems are much smaller and lighter, but are often little more than glorified battery chargers. However, they’re easier to set up, take up less room, and can still help you reduce your mains power usage.

    What Can You Power with Solar Panels?

    Annoyingly, the capacity of a solar panel isn’t its direct expected output. The ratings given are based on peak sun – the best conditions for producing that output. This is combined with the panel’s efficiency to come up with the wattage rating.

    For example, if you have a 2kW solar panel system, you could expect it to produce up to 2,800 kWh a year. Market Watch has a helpful table and atlas to help you understand your potential output for solar panels.

    Considerations Before Installing Balcony Solar Panels

    You can install solar panels on a balcony, although you might need HOA permission depending on how big they are, where they’ll be located, etc. Other than that, there are a few considerations:

    Size and Weight

    Solar panels are quite heavy for their size. As mentioned, a 400W solar panel can weigh up to 50lbs., and you’d want several to get a decent amount of energy.

    However, you’ll be limited by the size and weight capacity of your balcony. Typically, roof-mounted solar panels require reinforcement, so something similar could be possible.

    Lifespan and Durability

    Full-size solar panels are fairly durable and can withstand pretty much any weather condition. Portable solar panels are less durable, but you could take them down when the weather isn’t great.

    The expected lifespan of a solar panel is 25 years. After this point, their efficiency can drop and the technology becomes outdated. However, you can continue using them until they stop working.


    Solar panels need cleaning regularly to keep them efficient. That’s pretty much all you need to do if you’ve invested in a reliable setup.

    Aspect and Setup

    Solar panels should be installed at a south-facing aspect for peak efficiency. East- and west-facing panels have an average efficiency reduction of 15%. North-facing panels aren’t even worth considering.

    Although you could install solar panels on a covered balcony, it wouldn’t really be worth it. They’d still capture energy, as they do when it’s cloudy, but you could expect a massive reduction in efficiency. Ideally, you’ll want a south-facing open balcony.

    Cost and Financial Payback Period

    Now we get to the important part: cost. The price of a solar array varies wildly. According to Forbes, an average solar panel setup costs around 16,000, but this can be higher or lower depending on the tech and federal rebates.

    If you’re setting up balcony solar panels, the cost will be less because you won’t have as many. However, you’ll need to balance the number of panels against their cost and the amount of energy they can produce. Fewer panels and less energy will make the financial payback period longer.

    It’s probably obvious what this term means. For clarity, the financial payback period is how long it’ll take you to recoup the cost of the panels. Say a balcony solar panel system had 360W of capacity (creating 540kWh of energy) and cost 2,000.

    Using average grid prices, it’ll take about 25 years to recover your cost, by which point you might need to install a new system! However, in sunnier and more efficient years, the period can be as little as 12 years.

    Pros and Cons of Balcony Solar Panels

    You can probably pick up on the benefits and drawbacks of balcony solar panels already, but let’s recap:

    Benefits of Balcony Solar Panels

    Having solar panels on your balcony helps with:

    • Reducing your reliance on fossil fuels
    • Cutting down your energy bill
    • Feeding power back into the grid
    • Possibly improving your property’s value (depending on the buyer)

    Drawbacks of Balcony Solar Panels

    However, there are some drawbacks:

    • Balconies aren’t the most efficient spaces for full-size panel arrays
    • Mini systems only generate enough power to recharge batteries
    • The payback period is pretty long, even for full-efficiency systems
    • They take up a lot of room and are heavy, meaning you’ll likely need structural improvements

    Balcony Solar Panels: Are They Worth it?

    So, are balcony solar panels worth it? The answer ultimately depends on your intentions. For a full-size array that powers your home, probably not. The payback potential isn’t worth it for the size and setup cost.

    But for a battery-charging array (even a small one like this one), it’s absolutely worth the cost.

    Of course, if you’re committed to investigating full-size solar panels for your balcony, consider speaking to local solar engineers to get specific advice on your balcony’s potential. They can tell you whether it’s worth the cost.

    Solar Microinverter For Balcony Solar System In Germany

    Since the beginning of winter in 2022, affected by the war in Russia and Ukraine, the problem of energy shortage in Europe has gradually emerged, and solar energy has become a hot energy source.

    Recently, there has been a craze for balcony solar systems in Germany. This simple plug-and-play solar system requires only an AC power outlet, without a distribution box, and can be installed by non-professionals, so it has attracted much attention. At the same time, microinverters have become the first choice of many people.

    What is balcony solar? Why invest in balcony solar? How to choose a balcony microinverter? Details are as follows.

    What about the costs?

    Cost-effective initial investment. Simply one or two solar panels and a microinverter, usually with a cable length of 5-10 meters, can build a balcony solar system.

    Referring to the general price in Europe, a solar panel is 200-400 Euros, and a microinverter is 100 Euros. If you buy two panels, you can realize your solar energy investment plan for less than 1,000 Euros.

    How to install?

    Preparations: First observe the condition of your balcony railings to check the stability, and then check the orientation of the balcony. Taking the northern hemisphere as an example, it is best to place solar panels facing south.

    Solar panel: Install the fixing parts according to the installation manual, then carefully hang the solar panel on the railing or the prepared support to check the stability. Brackets are safer as protection because they are installed on the floor at a slope. The proportions of the panels are determined by the balcony area.

    Microinverter: Pre-arrange the AC bus at the appropriate position of the microinverter, install the microinverter on the bracket or on the frame of the solar panel, closely connect the AC port with the AC bus connector. Finally insert the plug into the AC outlet to power on.

    How does balcony solar system work?

    After powering on, the solar panel on the balcony generates direct current after being irradiated by sunlight. The microinverter converts direct current into alternating current, and then supplies it to household loads such as washing machines, refrigerators, and air conditioners. Excess electricity will be sent to the public grid.

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    How to improve solar panel’s efficiency?

    • Solar radiation

    In the northern hemisphere, for example, the panels are placed on balconies facing south, and in the southern hemisphere facing north.

    According to the survey, placing the panels at a 45-degree angle to the horizontal line, and placing them at different directions in the morning and evening, can effectively increase the power generation.

    As the temperature rises, the maximum output power of the solar panel will decrease, and the conversion efficiency of the microinverter will also decrease. In order to avoid the influence of temperature on the power generation, the panel should be kept in good ventilation conditions.

    The panel is placed outdoors, and the dust on it will cause a loss of production capacity, which is about 4-6%. The balcony panels are easier to clean than the roof, and should be wiped frequently to reduce the impact of dust on the power generation.

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    Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is a technique used in variable power supplies to track the maximum output power point of a solar panel. The MPPT function of the on-grid system will be completed in the inverter, so it is important to select a suitable one.

    Why invest in balcony solar?

    Solar incentives are very substantial. You can get a 50% tax deduction on the cost of the purchase, which can be reclaimed within 10 years by tax returns, or deducted from the invoice by transferring a 50% credit to the person who installed the panels.

    The less upfront cost of balcony solar system can save your electricity bill compared to a rooftop PV array, which the power cannot be stored and will mostly be used in your home’s appliances. Reasonable allocation of electricity consumption time can effectively save electricity bills.

    It can be carried when moving or camping. Small solar panel and microinverter are both portable, you can put them in the trunk of your car and travel with you.

    There is no need for a large roof of the self-built house, just a spacious balcony with sufficient light; no need to hire professionals to install, but realize plug-and-play by yourself, saving installation costs.

    Things need to pay attention to before buying microinverters

    BENY microinverters with power of 500W/550W/600W can all be used in balcony solar system. This time, we will take BYM600 as an example.

    As mentioned above, MPPT is an important index to measure the quality of the microinverter. The higher the static efficiency of MPPT, the more likely the microinverter will convert output. The static MPPT efficiency of BENY BYM600 can reach 99.8%, maximizing energy extraction.

    European efficiency, which is only applied in the PV effect, refers to a solar inverter with a standard configuration array given weights at different power points according to European lighting conditions to estimate the overall efficiency of the inverter. The larger the value, the better the performance. The EURO efficiency of BENY BYM600 can reach 96%, which is at the leading level.

    Microinverter can not only realize 1-in-1, also x-in-1. But it depends on the continuous current of the microinverter. The larger the continuous current, the more solar panels can be supported in parallel. The maximum continuous current of BENY BYM600 is 18A, and it can cooperate with the self-developed solar parallel optimizer to realize 2-in-1.

    Common microinverter communication methods include Sub1G, PLCC, Wi-Fi and Zigbee. BENY microinverter communication method is PLCC, Wi-Fi and Zigbee, which achieves stable and humanized communication at the same time.

    The microinverter monitoring platform can display the basic numerical status of the solar panel. Data diagnosis can also be made in time to troubleshoot problems. BYDAS is the supporting monitoring, analysis and management system for BENY microinverters. It contains detailed operating data. The APP on the mobile phone is BYDS. which can scan codes to connect microinverters and gateways. The user-friendly page design is easier to operate.

    The microinverter needs to be placed outdoors along with the panel. The higher the protection level, the better the dustproof and waterproof effect. The standard is above ip65. BENY BYM600 IP rating is ip67.

    There are no mandatory certification standards for solar systems below 800w in Europe, but it is different in Germany. Inverters should be certified according to the VDE standard (VDE AR-N 4105). BENY BYM600 has VDE-4105 and CE certification, conforms to German and European standards, and also has INMETRO certification, conforms to Brazilian standards.

    The general warranty period of microinverter is 10-12 years, and some brands can achieve 25-year warranty. BENY microinverter uses a car-grade chip to provide guarantee for the promise of 25-year warranty.


    Compared with string inverters, microinverters are more suitable for this small-scale balcony solar system. The small size and high-efficiency design of microinverters can well solve the problem of reduced power generation caused by partial panel shadows. Even if you can’t power your entire house, planning when you use it wisely can save your electricity bills.

    The microinverter is one of the important products of BENY solar series, and it has invested a lot of RD energy, which has created its superior performance. Contact us now for details of microinverters and balcony solar solutions.

    What’s balcony solar storage system?

    Are you tired of paying high electricity bills? Have you been looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint and increase your energy independence? Look no further than a balcony solar storage system!

    These systems provide an efficient and effective way to store solar energy during the day and use it at night, saving you money and helping the environment. In this blog post, we’ll explore what balcony solar storage systems are, who can benefit from them, and the advantages they offer. We’ll also introduce you to our product, SolarFlow, the balcony solar storage system designed to value the energy and save your bills.

    What is a Balcony Solar Storage System?

    A balcony solar storage system is a solar energy system that stores excess solar energy generated during the day in a battery for use at night. These systems typically consist of solar panels that are installed on a balcony or other outdoor space, a battery storage system, and a micro inverter that converts the stored energy into usable electricity. The stored energy can be used to power household appliances and devices, reducing reliance on the grid and saving money on electricity bills. The system is particularly well-suited for those who live in apartments or other urban settings where space is limited but still want to take advantage of solar energy.

    Who Needs a Balcony Solar Storage System?

    Balcony solar storage systems are an excellent choice for a wide range of people looking to reduce their reliance on the grid and save money on electricity bills. They are particularly beneficial for those who:

    Already have a solar panel and micro inverter system installed and want to add battery storage to their existing setup Don’t have any solar panels or micro inverters, but want to install a balcony solar storage system to take advantage of renewable energy Live in apartments or other urban settings where space is limited Live in houses but want to try small solar systems at the start Have a balcony or outdoor space with access to sunlight Want to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future By using a balcony solar storage system, you can take control of your energy consumption and reduce your reliance on the grid. With a reliable and efficient system like SolarFlow, you can enjoy the benefits of solar energy without sacrificing comfort or convenience

    What are the Advantages of Balcony Solar Storage Systems?

    There are many advantages to using a balcony solar storage system. Here are some of the key benefits:

    Lower Energy Bills: By using stored solar energy during peak hours, you can reduce your dependence on the grid and save money on electricity bills.2. Reduced Carbon Footprint: Balcony solar storage systems rely on renewable energy sources like solar power, which reduces your carbon footprint and helps to create a more sustainable future.3. Increased Energy Independence: With a balcony solar storage system, you can generate and store your own energy, reducing your dependence on the grid.4. Efficient Use of Space: Balcony solar storage systems are designed to be compact and space-efficient, making them ideal for apartments or other urban settings where space is limited.

    Introducing SolarFlow: The Ultimate Balcony Solar Storage System

    Now that we’ve covered what a balcony solar storage system is, who needs it, and the advantages it offers, let’s take a closer look at SolarFlow.

    SolarFlow is the ultimate balcony solar storage system that is designed to make the most of your outdoor space and save you money on your energy bills. Here are some of the key advantages of SolarFlow:

    Compatibility: SolarFlow is compatible with your existing balcony solar system, solar panels, and micro inverters. This means you can upgrade your energy storage without having to replace your entire system.2. Energy Savings: By storing your excess energy during the day, SolarFlow allows you to use it at night, reducing your reliance on the grid and potentially saving you up to 32% on your annual electricity bill.3. High Power Output: With an 800W solar input, SolarFlow can take full advantage of your outdoor space to generate and store energy.4. Easy Installation: SolarFlow is designed for easy self-installation, with just one plug required. It’s also easy to deploy and move, making it a flexible option for renters and homeowners alike.5. Works with Any Configuration: Whether you have a small or large balcony, SolarFlow works with any configuration, making it a versatile option for all types of homes.6. Effortless Expansion: SolarFlow is a scalable system that can be expanded easily to meet your growing energy storage needs.7. Worry-Free Warranty: SolarFlow comes with a worry-free 10-year warranty on the LFP battery, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your investment.8. Sturdy and Durable Design: SolarFlow features a sturdy metal design with IP65 waterproof protection, ensuring durability and longevity.9. Intelligent Battery Management System: SolarFlow comes with an intelligent battery management system that ensures better efficiency and performance, maximizing your energy savings.10. Real-Time Monitoring and Management: SolarFlow can be monitored and managed in real-time from your phone using the Zendure AIoT app, allowing you to keep track of your energy usage and optimize your system for maximum savings.


    Balcony solar storage systems are an efficient and effective way to store solar energy and use it at night, reducing your reliance on the grid and saving you money on electricity bills. With SolarFlow, you can enjoy the benefits of solar energy without sacrificing comfort or convenience. SolarFlow is a reliable and efficient balcony solar storage system that is designed to make the most of your outdoor space and save you money on your energy bills. So why wait? Start your journey to energy independence today with SolarFlow!

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