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ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro Portable Power Station Review. Allpowers portable solar generator

ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro Portable Power Station Review. Allpowers portable solar generator

    allpowers, s2000, portable, power, station

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    Der Wettbewerb unter den chinesischen Elektro-Start-ups ist hart, und Aiways könnte eines der ersten Opfer sein. Das Unternehmen versuchte als einer der ersten chinesischen Hersteller, Fuß auf dem deutschen Markt zu fassen. Mit dem SUV U5 und der SUV-Coupé-Variante U6 versprach Aiways ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis für die Kunden. Es wurde sogar eine Batterie-Wechselstation angekündigt. Trotzdem hat Aiways bisher in Deutschland nur wenige Autos verkauft. Es gibt nun Anzeichen dafür, dass das Unternehmen zahlungsunfähig ist (auto-motor-sport: 21.06.23).

    Größter Investor zieht sich zurück: Aiways vor Produktionsstopp

    Laut chinesischen Quellen haben die 1.500 Mitarbeiter von Aiways ihre März-Gehälter verspätet und im April gar nicht erhalten. Berichten zufolge wurden die Mitarbeiter aufgefordert, die Sozialversicherungs-Prämie für Mai selbst zu bezahlen. Seit Februar steht die Fahrzeugproduktion im Werk Shangrao in der Provinz Jiangxi angeblich still, verursacht durch unbezahlte Zulieferer. Es wird behauptet, dass Händler Aiways bereits wegen ausstehender Zahlungen verklagt haben.

    Der Vorstandsvorsitzende von Guangdong-Microholdings, Chen Xuanlin, ist der größte Investor bei Aiways. Anfang 2022 investierte er bereits mehrere 100 Millionen Dollar, um den Absatz des Herstellers anzukurbeln. Medienberichten zufolge hat Xuanlin entweder kein weiteres Risikokapital mehr zur Verfügung oder das Interesse an dem Start-up-Autohersteller verloren.

    Aiways-Verantwortliche betonen jedoch gegenüber, dass der Produktionsstopp nur auf einen unerwartet langen Wechsel der Investoren zurückzuführen sei. In den kommenden Wochen soll die Produktion wieder aufgenommen werden.

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    Die kommenden Wochen werden zeigen, ob die Schwierigkeiten in der Aiways-Produktion tatsächlich nur auf einen Wechsel der Investoren zurückzuführen sind.

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    Es ist unklar, ob Aiways eines der ersten Opfer des harten Wettbewerbs auf dem chinesischen Markt sein wird oder ob die Produktionsstopps tatsächlich nur auf einen Wechsel der Investoren zurückzuführen ist. Jedoch deutet der Investorenwechsel darauf hin, dass der Hersteller keinen finanziellen Spielraum mehr hat und der neue Investor die Wiederaufnahme der Produktion erst ermöglichen müsste. Die nächsten Wochen werden zeigen, wie es tatsächlich mit Aiways weitergeht.

    Zuletzt aktualisiert am Juni 27, 2023 um 18:32. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

    Zuletzt aktualisiert am Juni 27, 2023 um 18:32. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

    Zuletzt aktualisiert am Juni 27, 2023 um 18:32. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass sich hier angezeigte Preise inzwischen geändert haben können. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.

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    allpowers, s2000, portable, power, station

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    allpowers, s2000, portable, power, station

    ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro Portable Power Station Review

    The ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro Portable Power Station has a 2400W inverter matched with a 1500Wh battery. Aimed at larger deployment use cases, the Pro model specifically includes a 30A power plug for high-power-draw devices.

    The ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro Portable Power Station has a 2400W inverter matched with a 1500Wh battery. Aimed at larger deployment use cases, the Pro model specifically includes a 30A power plug for high-power-draw devices.

    In terms of technical specifications, the S2000 Pro has a battery capacity of 1500Wh and an inverter rated for 2400W. It’s not terribly large, measuring 14.76 x 9.64 x 9.84 inches, and coming in at just under 32 lbs. The power station features one 30A outlet, four AC outputs (continuous: 2400W, surged: 4000W), four USB A outputs, one car output, and two USB C outputs. The AC input is 1500W 110V, and the solar input is MPPT 18-70V, 18A 650W max.

    The S2000 Pro also offers pass-through charging and a UPS mode to keep devices operating during inclement weather or other unstable power conditions. Pass-through charging is an important feature with these larger power stations, as it also enables internal power supplies and, in many cases, much faster charging speeds.

    The S2000 Pro also supports Bluetooth wireless connection with the ALLPOWERS App. This means you can remotely control the power station from your phone, with a stated range of around 10 meters. In terms of battery chemistry, this unit includes the older NCM or Ternary battery, as opposed to the newer LiFePO4 cells in many newer models. ALLPOWERS lists the S2000 Pro’s battery as havings a lifespan of over 2500 cycles to 80%.


    Battery Capacity 1500Wh / 405405mAh
    Wattage 2400W
    Dimensions 37.5 x 24.5 x 25 centimetres / 14.76 x 9.64 x 9.84 inch
    Weight 14.5kg / 31.97lb
    130 A RV outlet 110V,30A Max
    4AC Output Continuous: 2400W, Surged: 4000W
    4 USB A Output USB1/USB2/USB3/USB4:5V3A/9V2A/12V1.5A USB1USB3/USB2USB4:5V2.4A5V2.4A
    1 Car Output 13V 10A
    2 USB C Output 5V-20V/5A(PD 100W Max)
    AC Input 1500W 110V
    Solar Input MPPT 18-70V, 18A 650W Max

    ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro Testing

    In our testing, the ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro had a lot of good features on paper, but the execution of those left a bit to be desired. The onboard controls were sometimes tricky to use, making it challenging to get the unit powered on or the AC power inverter running.

    From an off state, the power button with a short or long press didn’t always wake the unit. Even when the system came online, pressing the AC button with a short or long press didn’t always turn the inverter on right away. After a bit of trying, though, the button finally worked, and the power outlets were activated. On the flip side, the DC power button always worked. If the unit was off or on, clicking the button woke the unit up immediately and turned on the USB ports.

    The Bluetooth connection fell into the category of a nice-to-have feature, although it also had its own set of problems. For example, during the first half of charging the unit, we could never connect to the S2000 Pro. The app could see it but never established a complete connection. It seemed that interference of the system charging itself limited the connection to some degree.

    When the system finally connected to the app, we had a similar, but more limited, experience to the smaller ALLPOWERS R600 unit. The app interface is really only useful to show you the incoming and outgoing power and turn the AC/DC sides on and off. No advanced settings are available on this unit. A way to change the charge speed would have been convenient since, at its peak, the unit ramps up to around a 1400W charge range. Not all situations need or can leverage peak charging rates.

    Another odd quirk with the app is the time remaining indicator during the charging phase has a remaining time figure of discharge rates, not how long it takes to finish charging. In our case, at about a 56 percent charge state, it had 30 days remaining.

    When we measured the output capacity of the internal battery, we saw significant calibration issues with the battery. For example, when running our discharge test, the unit powered off with 22 percent remaining.

    During our recharge test, the unit went from 56 percent complete to 100 percent in fewer than 10 minutes. With a claimed 1500Wh battery, we measured a discharge capacity of 920Wh with a 350W load. During the charging stage, we measured total power consumption of 1090Wh until it hit 100%. These figures also hint toward lackluster battery calibration.


    The ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro has a large 2400W power inverter and a 1500Wh battery, although, in our testing, there were many concerns with the unit’s design. Our sample had wide charging discrepancies, with the unit turning off with 22% remaining or finishing charging at 56%. While we measured around 1000Wh of power going into or out of the unit in this range, it still needs to be more helpful for a user trying to estimate the remaining runtime of this unit in the field.

    Based on our testing experience, it is difficult to recommend this model to our readers.

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    ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 Review

    The ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 is a combination package of the ALLPOWERS S1500 and one ALLPOWERS SP033 200W Solar Panel. The ALLPOWERS S1500 is a 1092 Wh power bank weighing 26.12 lb / 11.85 kg with one USB-C port, three USB-A ports, four Type B outlets, and a 12V carport.

    It boasts enough capacity to reliably power large devices like laptops, powered coolers, televisions, or drones. It is large enough to provide power for an extended off-grid expedition (so long as you’re not using an induction cooktop every night). Like similar-sized power stations, it’s designed to be portable, easily rechargeable, and practical.

    Here’s everything you need to know about the ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500.

    Testing Conditions

    I have used the ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 charging gear in my car while on the road during winter in the mountains. I’ve left it mostly in my vehicle while temperatures outside dip well-below freezing. I have been charging the ALLPOWERS S1500 with both the ALLPOWERS SP033 200W Solar Panel and a standard household outlet.

    Pros and Cons

    Foldable handle makes storage and transport easy One USB-C ports and three USB-A ports Four Type B outlets (a “regular” wall outlet) Can be recharged via car, wall outlet, or solar Two-year warranty

    – Incredibly loud when charging– USB outlets located on the side of unit– Large power brick that gets quite hot– Polycrystalline solar panel not as efficient as monocrystalline

    The Specs

    The following information reflects the ALLPOWERS S1500 only. The ALLPOWERS SP033 200W Solar Panel specs can be found here.

    • Weight: 26.12 lb / 11.85 kg
    • Dimensions (in): 12.6 x 8.7 x 7.5
    • Dimensions (cm): 32 x 22 x 19
    • USB-C Ports: 1
    • USB-A Ports: 3
    • Type B Outlets: 4
    • Capacity: 1092 Wh, 295200 mAh
    • AC Output: AC 1500W 110V / 60Hz
    • USB-A Output: 5V 2.4A
    • USB-C Output: 5V 5A / 9V 5A / 12V 5A / 15V 5A / 20V 5A (PD 100W Max)
    • Car Output: 12V / 24V 10.5A
    • AC Input: 300W max
    • Solar Input: 300W max
    • USB-C Input: 100W max
    • Recharge via AC Adapter: 4 hours
    • Recharge via USB-C: 10 hours
    • Recharge via 12V Car Adaptor: 4 hours
    • Recharge via ALLPOWERS SP033 200W: 4 hours
    • Recharge via AC USB-C: 3 hours
    • Country of Origin: China
    • MSRP: 1,799 (ALLPOWERS S1500 alone, 1,599)

    The Good

    The Pass-Through Charging: The ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 supports pass-through charging. That means it is possible to charge the power bank while using the power bank to charge other devices. From what I’ve read, this puts additional strain on the system and can cause additional heat (the heat produced by the unit and its power brick is already immense) and long-term strain on the battery. I don’t imagine I’ll be using this in a situation that would require me to rely on pass-through charging for an extended time, but it’s nice to have the option should I need it.

    The Size: The S1500 is one of the best power banks I’ve used as far as its size goes. Many powerbanks have notoriously large or unwieldy handles. This makes storing them in tight spaces, stacking them on things, or stacking things on top of them an issue. The S1500 has a handle that folds up and down allowing it to be a perfect rectangular prism. I wonder if the handle being able to rotate 180 degrees instead of 90 would have some beneficial functionality and/or make carrying it easier, but I’m not mad at it (it could, however, be more ergonomic).

    The Operating Temperatures: The operating temperature range of the ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 is 14-104°F (-10-40°C). Honestly, the lower end worries me sometimes as I frequently find myself (or my car) in sub-freezing temperatures. But I have yet to experience an instance of attempting to power on and use the S1500 and having it not work because of the cold. That said, I don’t know that I would trust it with my life in the borderline-operating temperatures (but if I’m stuck in those temperatures, I probably have bigger issues than keeping my electronics charged).

    The Okay

    The Panel Size: The solar panel included with the ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 is the ALLPOWERS SP033 200W. It’s 7.3 ft (87.8 in) / 2.23 m long when fully deployed and is 25.6 in / 650 mm tall; it weighs 13.98 lb / 6.3 kg. It’s great to have so much solar charging potential in a single package, but it can be difficult to find the space to deploy the panel – especially if you’re in a tight space and the sun is at an unfavorable angle.

    The USB-C Ports: The ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 has one USB-C port. I wouldn’t consider a power bank without at least one USB-C port but more would be better. The USB-C port can be used as either an input (to charge) or as an output (to charge a device). It’s more than capable of powering USB-C devices – even laptops and tablets. That said, why is there only one? Most of my devices now use USB-C and it’s frustrating to have to carry outdated cables to use the remaining three USB-A ports for USB-C charging.

    The Solar Charging: The ALLPOWERS SP033 200W does an okay job of charging the ALLPOWERS S1500. It’s a polycrystalline panel which isn’t quite as efficient as the monocrystalline counterparts. There is a monocrystalline panel available from ALLPOWERS, but it’s not the one included in the bundle. Hooking up the panel is simple and if you have sunlight available the most difficult part will be finding space to set up the wide panel (which consists of four panels). Charging the ALLPOWERS S1500 from zero to 100% in direct sunlight takes approximately 4 hours in direct sunlight. The solar panel is also compatible with other ALLPOWERS units.

    The Portability: The ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 isn’t light. It weighs 26.12 lb / 11.85 kg. The single handle across the top can make it cumbersome to carry (as opposed to two handles on either side). The ALLPOWERS SP033 200W solar panel weighs 13.98 lb / 6.3 kg. It is possible for a single person to carry the S1500 and the ALLPOWERS SP033 200W. Each one of them has a handle. As stated above, I appreciate that the unit is a neat rectangular prism when the handle is folded down.

    The Bad

    The Noise: Different from all the other power banks I’ve reviewed until now, the ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 is shockingly loud when charging. Loud enough that if you were charging in a confined space, you would find yourself talking over it. If you’re charging outside with the sun or indoors in the other room it’s not a huge deal. But I was honestly surprised at how loud the fans were when I first plugged the power station in.

    The Price: The S1500 is not an expensive power station and for the price, I expect more than simply a large battery to plug one USB-C device into. Yes, there are two lights on the front of it (honestly, I don’t know where the whole putting lights into power banks thing comes from – doesn’t make sense to me), but the power station on the whole seems a bit fragile and the entirely plastic shell feels like it’s the bare minimum shell required to house the large and expensive battery. I also with the front buttons front were easier to see – it’s nearly impossible to see what each is in dim light as they’re all indistinguishable from each other.

    The App: The ALLPOWERS app is a bit clunky. You can control the lights, see the remaining power, and turn off and on ports with the app. It will randomly try to get me to sign in (does not let me create an ALLPOWERS account and instead wants me to use a service like Google or which I’m not comfortable doing). The power bank also seemingly disconnects every time I leave the app as I need to reconnect every time I open it. The ability to set a timer, control the power going to each device, or see the temperature of the power bank would be welcome.

    Who is it for?

    The ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 is an okay solution for keeping small, medium, or (some) large electronics charged while traveling or camping off the grid. If you’re a small or medium-sized group (three to five people), the system should be able to provide you with all the power you need to keep your devices charged – particularly if you plan on taking full advantage of solar charging.

    This isn’t going to be your single point of power if you’re wanting to do something like power an entire off-grid living situation (for more than a couple of hours, at least). It will, however, do a great job to supplement whatever other power sources you have available (or serve as a backup in case things go awry with your power).

    Wrap Up

    The ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 has enough capacity to keep your large devices running longer, but comes at the cost of some weight and bulk. It’s certainly portable, but not necessarily something you’re going to want to be lugging around in your backpack.

    That said, for a basecamp, car camping, or stationary outdoor adventures, the ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 can do a solid job of powering your off-grid adventure – especially if you’ve got plenty of sunlight. Questions, Комментарии и мнения владельцев, or personal experience with the ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500? Leave a comment below or get in touch and let me know!

    Check out the ALLPOWERS Solar Generator S1500 here and get 15% off with code QT55FKT12YJ4.

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