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5KW Solar System Information And Pricing. 5000 kwh solar system

5KW Solar System Information And Pricing. 5000 kwh solar system

    kW Solar System Information And Pricing

    A 5kW solar power system is a size that should easily offset a typical Australian home’s electricity usage.

    However, most Australians installing solar these days tend to install systems larger than 5kW as this provides better bang for buck – 6.6kW systems are now considered entry level, and 10kW of solar is preferable if you can fit it on (even more if you’re considering an electric vehicle).

    5kW solar systems are also the minimum system size you should be considering if you’re looking to add batteries to your system in the future – again, most who intend installing batteries opt for larger systems.

    Here’s what you need to know about 5kW systems, including price information.

    How many solar panels will you need for 5kW?

    To make up a 5kW solar system, you need 12 solar panels, assuming you use 415W panels – that will actually give you 4.98kW.

    Each panel will be about 1.8 metres x 1.1 metre, so you’ll need at least 23.7m² of roof space.

    To give you a feel for how big 23.7m² is, this picture may help:

    How much electricity will a 5kW solar system generate?

    A 5kW solar system will generate approximately 20kWh per day, depending on your location and a variety of other factors. The average home in Australia uses about 16kWh per day.

    Note that this does not mean installing a 5kW solar power system will automatically give you a 0 electricity bill, as most households use the majority of their electricity at night when the sun isn’t shining – I talk about this in greater detail here.

    How much money will a 5kW solar system save?

    You may be thinking: “If the 5kW system offsets my energy usage, then surely it’s going to wipe out my electricity bill?”

    Unfortunately it is not that simple! The amount the electricity companies will pay you for your solar energy (what’s known as a feed-in tariff) is, way lower than the price they charge you to buy the same electricity from the grid! Plus, there’s other costs on a bill such as supply charges, aka service charges. However, a 5kW solar power system is still an excellent investment.

    Let’s say you get paid about 8c per kWh for exported energy (some retailers offer more, some less) compared to 30c per kWh to buy electricity back from the mains grid. Here’s 3 scenarios to show how the 5kW system payback works:

    1) Use all the solar electricity by the 5kW systems in your home. This is unlikely unless you have a mini aluminium smelter in your back garden – or you operate a small business from your home.

    If that were your situation, you would save approximately 2100 in the first year, and around 67,000 over 20 years; taking electricity inflation of 5% into account. Those are some serious savings.

    2) Export half the electricity: You would save about 1400 in the first year.

    3) Export all the electricity: You would save about 700 in the first year with a 5kW system.

    You can see the numbers for yourself and change all the assumptions to see how they affect payback with my solar payback calculator.

    How much does a 5kW solar power system cost?

    The cost of a 5kW solar system is offset by a subsidy of around 1,980 from STCs (aka the solar rebate), which takes a big chunk out of the up-front price. Taking into account the subsidy, expect to pay about 4,500 – 8,000 out of costs for a good quality 5kW system in 2023, depending on the components selected and the installer’s approach to installation.

    How long before a 5kW solar power system pays for itself?

    If you are not exporting all of the energy and assuming you’ve paid a reasonable price for a 5kW solar system, then you should see a payback period of less than 5 years – so a fairly Rapid payback timeframe.

    But you can actually be cash flow positive from day one if you get cheap solar finance. It is very easy to finance the purchase so that your monthly energy savings are worth more that the cost of paying back the loan. Again, my solar calculators show you quite clearly whether the investment is cash flow positive or negative; i.e. if it is cost-effective.

    It can be a laborious process to find a trustworthy solar installer to provide you with a good-quality 5kW solar power system at a reasonable price. This is why I’ve done the hard work for you, and curated a list PV installers that I trust to do the job properly. If you want 3 competitive quotes for pricing on a 5kW solar system, from local specialists (including payback calculations), you can get them here.

    kw Solar System: Will It Run a House?

    A 5kw solar system can be a great way to reduce your reliance on the grid, but it’s important to understand the limitations of a system before making the investment. A 5kw system is a popular choice for homeowners, but it’s not typically large enough to run an entire household.

    In most cases, a 5kw system will offset a portion of your energy usage, which can lead to savings on your electric bills. There are a few things to consider when determining if a 5kw system is right for your home. First, consider your energy needs.

    A 5kw system will typically produce enough energy to offset a portion of your usage, but it’s important to understand your energy needs before making the investment. If you have a large home or electric bills, a 5kw system may not be enough to meet your needs.

    Second, consider the cost of a 5kw system. Solar power systems can be a significant investment, and the cost of a 5kw system will vary depending on the quality of the components and the installation. Be sure to get quotes from several solar installers to compare the cost of a 5kw system. Third, consider the maintenance requirements of a solar power system. Solar power systems require

    Solar power is a viable option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint

    Solar power is one of the cleanest and most renewable energy sources available, making it a great option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity and don’t produce any emissions during operation. In fact, a 5kw solar system can offset about 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year1 – that’s the equivalent of driving a car for over 12,000 km! In addition to reducing emissions, solar power can also save you money on your energy bill.

    Electricity have been on the rise in recent years, and are only expected to continue increasing. Solar power can provide a cost-effective way to insulate yourself from these rising prices. Of course, solar power is not without its challenges.

    One of the biggest challenges is the initial cost of solar panels and installation. Solar panels can cost anywhere from 5000 to 25,000, depending on the size and type of system you choose.2 There are also some maintenance costs associated with solar power, though these are typically minimal. Normally in Australia, it takes around 3- 5 years to pay off your solar panels.

    Another challenge facing solar power is the intermittency of sunlight. Solar panels only produce electricity when the sun is shining, which means that you’ll need to supplement your solar power with another energy source – like batteries – if you want to be able to use electricity at night or on cloudy days.

    Despite these challenges, solar power is a viable option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint. If you’re interested in solar power, be sure to do your research to find the best system for your needs and budget. 1 2

    Will a 5kw solar system run a house?

    Yes, a 5kw solar system can provide enough power for a small home or apartment. It will not be able to run a larger home or all of the appliances in a home. However, it’s important to note that a 5kW solar system may not be sufficient to power a larger home or to run all of the appliances in a home.

    Larger homes tend to have higher energy demands due to more rooms and appliances, and as a result, a 5kW solar system may not be able to meet those energy requirements.

    Overall, a 5kW solar system can be a great choice for powering a small home or apartment, but it’s important to consider the energy demands of your home and appliances before investing in a solar system. Consulting with a solar expert or conducting a detailed energy audit can help determine the appropriate size of the solar system for your specific needs.

    The average home uses approximately 8,000 kWh of electricity per year

    A 5kw solar system can offset a significant portion of a home’s power usage, but it will not be able to completely offset the power usage of an average home. The average home in the United States uses approximately 8,000 kWh of electricity per year, so a 5kw solar system would offset around 630 kWh of power usage per month.

    This means that a 5kw solar system could offset around 22% of an average home’s power usage. In order to completely offset the power usage of an average home, a larger solar system would be needed.

    A 5 kW solar system will generate approximately 5,700 kWh of electricity per year

    According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average U.S. household consumes about 11,000 kWh of electricity per year.

    A 5 kW solar system will generate approximately 5,700 kWh of electricity per year, which is just over 50% of the average household’s electricity needs. For a family that consumes the national average of electricity, a 5kW system would save them over 500 per year on their energy bill.

    In some states, the savings could be even higher due to state and local solar incentives. Solar panels have an average payback period of 5-10 years, making them a very solid investment. While a 5kW system will not completely offset a household’s electricity needs, it will certainly make a significant dent. Any family that goes solar will be doing their part to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and help combat climate change.

    Solar panels have an average lifespan of 25 years

    The average lifespan of a solar panel is 25 years. Many factors affect the lifespan of a solar panel, such as the quality of the materials used, the manufacturing process, the amount of sunlight the panel is exposed to, and the environmental conditions the panel is subject to.

    The quality of the materials used in a solar panel will affect its lifespan. Solar panels are typically made of silicon, glass, and metal. The quality of these materials will affect how well the solar panel withstands the elements and how long it will produce electricity.

    The manufacturing process of a solar panel can also affect its lifespan. Solar panels are made by combining silicon and other materials to create a photovoltaic cell. The cells are then arranged into a panel. The quality of the manufacturing process will affect the quality of the solar panel. The amount of sunlight a solar panel is exposed to will also affect its lifespan.

    Solar panels need sunlight to produce electricity. The more sunlight a panel is exposed to, the longer it will produce electricity. The environmental conditions a solar panel is subject to will also affect its lifespan. Solar panels are typically mounted on rooftops or in open spaces. They are exposed to the elements, including wind, rain, snow, and hail.

    The solar panel will last longer if it is not exposed to extreme conditions. Solar panels have an average lifespan of 25 years. The quality of the materials used, the manufacturing process, the amount of sunlight the panel is exposed to, and the environmental conditions the panel is subject to will all affect the lifespan of the solar panel.

    Solar power is a free source of energy once the initial investment has been made

    Solar power is a free source of energy once the initial investment has been made. This initial investment usually refers to the installation of solar panels and the necessary equipment to run them.

    Solar power is not subject to the fluctuations of the stock market, as other forms of energy are, making it a more stable and consistent investment.

    Solar panels have a life expectancy of around 25 years, meaning that once they are installed, they will provide free energy for many years to come. In addition to this, solar panels have little to no maintenance costs, making them, even more, cost-effective in the long run.

    Solar power can significantly reduce your electricity bills

    If you’re considering making the switch to solar power, you’re probably wondering about the impact it will have on your electricity bills. The good news is that solar power can significantly reduce your electricity bills, and in some cases, even eliminate them altogether.

    How does solar power reduce electricity bills? The answer is simple: by generating your own electricity, you’re not reliant on the power grid, and you’re not paying for the electricity you use. In most cases, the initial investment in a solar power system is offset by the savings you’ll see on your electricity bills.

    And, in some cases, you may even be able to sell excess electricity back to the power company. There are a few things to keep in mind when you’ve switched to solar power. First, you’ll want to make sure your solar power system is sized correctly.

    Your solar power system should be sized to meet your average electricity usage. Second, you’ll want to make sure your solar power system is installed correctly. A professional solar installer will be able to help you with this.

    Finally, you’ll want to make sure you have a backup plan in place in case of a power outage. In most cases, your solar power system will continue to generate electricity even during a power outage. However, it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan in case of an extended power outage.

    If you’re considering making the switch to solar power, there’s a good chance it will reduce your electricity bills. Solar power is a great way to save money, and in some cases, it can even help you eliminate your electricity bills altogether.

    The 5kw solar system is a great way to save money on your energy bills. It will run a house, but you may need to supplement it with other energy sources during the winter.

    How Many Batteries Do I Need for a Solar Inverter 5000w System?

    Nowadays alternative energy is becoming more and more a part of the everyday life of modern people, so you know how many solar batteries should connect a solar inverter 5000W. This is the environmental safety of such production facilities, and the ability to create an autonomous power supply system, which will not worry about a sudden power outage.

    If you’re going to become more energy independent, inverter generators are a great solution. The most popular option for home use is the solar inverter 5000w. It should be enough power for most major appliances.

    What are the batteries in solar inverter 5000w for?

    In the solar power industry, a special place is occupied by storage batteries. They are assigned the role of intermediary in the transfer of electrical power received to the end-users. This can be explained by the fact that the maximum amount of electrical energy is generated by the solar battery.

    However, its greatest consumption occurs with the onset of darkness, when the mass use of lighting with household appliances. Batteries for power inverters allow for storing the surplus electricity generated during the day for evening and night use.

    Of course, as an option, during the day you can turn off some of the working solar modules in reserve, but this will not solve the problem of the evening electricity shortage.

    Can a solar inverter 5000w power a house?

    The solar inverter 5000w is a high-quality prioritized hybrid inverter. It allows you to power your home and charge your battery bank using PV power. Also, this 5000w hybrid solar inverter 10 hours home conversion system offers a 3.5kwh battery storage to power your home during night time.

    So you’ll have enough power to cover most of your home or business’s energy usage. It’s making this a perfect starter system for most residential applications. It’s also a good entry point for any commercial space. This doesn’t require heavy energy usages such as a one or two-person office or small shop.

    How many AC can 5kW solar inverter run?

    The major appliances for a 5kW Solar System are as following:

    Fans 5
    Lights 10
    AC 1.5ton or Iron (one appliance can be used at a time) 1
    Refrigerator 1
    Water pump 0
    LED TV 1
    Washing machine 1

    The items in the table can be used simultaneously. Adjusting the appliances may let you use the more items, for example, if only 2 fans, no LED TV and no AC are being used, a water pump can also be used.

    How many batteries for a solar inverter 5000W?

    The number of batteries you need for a 5000-watt solar inverter system depends on several factors, including the capacity of the batteries, the voltage of the system, and the amount of backup power you need.

    It would be best to consider various factors while calculating the need for the batteries to power the 5000w solar inverter, such as the battery capacity, voltage, and active duration in the hours.

    It is vital to know that how long you want to run the inverter. Batteries will have limited capacity. It starts draining quickly once you connect the inverter. Even if no appliances are connected to the inverter, still the battery will keep drawing.

    The number and capacity of batteries should be such that the energy that is stored in them was enough for the dark time of day, it is worth considering that the night consumption of electricity is minimal compared to daytime activity.

    A 100Ah battery stores approximately 100A 12V = 1200W. (A 100W light bulb will run for 12 hours from this battery). So if per night you consume 2.4kWh of electricity, then you need to install 2 batteries of 100Ah (12V), but here we should take into account that the batteries are undesirable to discharge at 100%, and better not more than 70%-50%.

    On this basis, we obtain that the 2 batteries of 100Ah will reserve 2400 0.7 = 1700Wh. This is true when discharging large currents, when you connect a powerful consumer sagging voltage and capacity actually decrease.

    Comparative to the small-size battery backup, the large inverters are used for emergency purposes.

    For Prostar 48V solar inverter 5000W will require 4 units 12v 200ah solar batteries.

    How to calculate battery backup time for solar inverter?

    When you know the battery amps, it will become easy to identify the energy requirement of the inverter. A hybrid inverter 5kw would require a minimum 450 to 500 ah 12 V battery. Alternatively, you can have two separate batteries of 250ah 12V that would power the system for 30 to 45 minutes.

    If you demand to run the inverter for 1 hour, you would require 750ah 12 V batteries. As you extend the hours, more power supply would be needed in the backup.

    The 4 hours of the operating system may need a 2500ah battery. Remember that you have to double the capacity each time you do not want to discharge the battery fully.

    Assuming you have a 48V system and you want to use 12V batteries, you’ll need to connect four 12V batteries in series to get a 48V system.

    Let’s say you want your system to run for 8 hours and you want to use batteries with a 50% depth of discharge (meaning you only use half of the battery’s capacity to prolong its life). The power required by the system would be:

    5000 watts x 8 hours = 40,000 watt-hours (Wh)

    To calculate the total capacity of the batteries needed, you would need to divide the total power required by the voltage and depth of discharge:

    40,000 Wh / 48V / 0.5 = 1666.7 Ah

    Assuming you are using 200Ah batteries, you would need approximately 8 batteries (1666.7 Ah / 200 Ah per battery = 8.33 batteries).

    solar, system, information, pricing, 5000

    his is a rough estimate, and the actual number of batteries you need will depend on several other factors such as the efficiency of the inverter and the solar panels, the climate conditions, and the number of solar panels used.

    Prostar PSW2K-Pro mppt charger hybrid solar inverter 24 volt 2000 watt

    PSW1K-Pro mppt dc to ac single phase off-grid 1000w solar inverter

    PST5K best 48v dc ac pure sine wave off grid solar 5000 watt inverter

    PIS5K-48 VMII high pv voltage 48v off grid 5kw solar inverter for home

    How much power does a 5kW solar system produce per day?

    Having decided to use a 5kW system, you need to know exactly how much power it will produce in an entire day.

    A 5kw solar system will produce around 20kw for an entire day. Most of the power will be generated when the sun is at its highest in the sky, 10 am and 2 pm. These figures, however, will vary depending on your location and light levels each day.

    The sunlight a solar panel array receives also directly affects the power output.

    To better understand what a 5kw solar system will do for your home, let’s delve deeper into it.

    Why Is It Called A 5kw Solar System?

    The 5kw Solar System is an energy-converting tool that converts energy from the sun into electricity. It comprises 16 solar panels of 1.6m x 1m each that can produce 320W of power to make a total of 5120W or 5kWh of power per hour of peak output.

    solar, system, information, pricing, 5000

    What might affect power output?

    The more solar panels work together, the more energy they produce. Each panel has solar cells interlinked with wires where the electricity is made.

    It is cost-effective because it lowers your electricity bill by 90%. The savings are estimated at 4.62 per day. This means an annual return on investment of 1900.

    However, even with the added advantage, producing such a return depends on factors such as:

    Alignment of the solar panels Shadows cast on the panels Cloud cover The geographical location Operating temperature of the panels etc.

    This solar system is ideal for average to large families with at least 1.6. Million homeowners are installing the panels in Australia alone. The average cost of a solar panel system ranges from 5000 – 8000. Even though it’s costly, there’s value for money and the assurance of a warranty.

    You should never buy a cheap 5kw Solar System as the power output will not be satisfactory, and you will pay more in the long run. Always get at least 3 quotes from local solar installers and avoid nationwide companies. The quotes should differ by only a few hundred dollars. Don’t try to cut corners with installers by getting an 8000 solar system for half the price. It simply won’t work. The cost of installation for the 5kw Solar System varies according to different states.

    How much does a 5kW system cost?

    The average cost of a 5kW solar panel system is 5,655. Even though it’s costly, there’s value for money and the assurance of a warranty.

    You should never buy a cheap 5kw Solar System as the power output will not be satisfactory, and you will pay more in the long run.

    Always get at least three quotes from local solar installers and avoid nationwide companies. The quotes should differ by only a few hundred dollars. Don’t try to cut corners with installers by getting an 8000 solar system for half the price. It simply won’t work.

    The cost of installation for the 5kw Solar System varies according to different states.

    What Time of Day Will it Produce the Most Power?

    The 5kw Solar System produces the most power between 8 am – 5 pm, with the peak time being 10 am – 2 pm. This is due to the intensity of light the panels receive when the sun is highest in the sky. This system will produce at least 20kw of energy every day. This can offset the entire energy usage in a single home.

    A 5kW solar system means the power the system will produce per hour during peak periods is 5,000 watts (5kw).

    Some things can affect the output of your 5kw solar system that has nothing to do with light levels. Even a tiny drop in output per hour can significantly affect the overall output of your system per day and year.

    Dirt on the panels can reduce the amount of power produced. Since the panels are placed on the rooftops, they can easily attract dirt, pollen and other coverings. These block the solar cells from receiving the required sunlight, even at peak hours. Dirt reduces power production by up to 5%.

    No special equipment is required to clean the panels. You can use a hose or a bucket with warm soapy water. Always use a soft sponge to avoid damaging the panels.

    To ensure you get maximum power output with a 5kw Solar System, ensure these two things:

    i. Purchase the highest quality solar panels and inverters. The inverter is an electronic device that changes Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC), supplied throughout the home.

    ii. Ensure the correct location where the panels can receive maximum sunlight. The solar panel must be fastened securely to your rooftop to avoid slipping or storm damage. They should always face north because that’s where they receive maximum sunlight for regions in the southern hemisphere.

    Will solar panels work at night?

    Like any other solar panel, the 5kw Solar System does not work at night. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. Therefore, the absence of sunlight means no energy is being produced at night. The PV (photovoltaic energy) panels absorb the sunlight, and convert it to DC (Direct Current) and the inverter converts it to AC (Alternating Current). AC is the energy your home uses.If the solar system produces excess power, it is transferred back to the electricity grid using “net metering”. This surplus energy adds credits to your electricity bill meaning you end up making money. The net metering amount has dropped significantly and you really don’t make a lot of money, but it does help to offset the electricity you use from the grid at night.

    The grid connections ensure that you have a constant supply of power even with a fluctuation in energy production.

    An alternative to grid connections is to install a solar battery. Also known as going “off-grid” this allows you to store any excess energy your system produces and use it at night after the sun goes down and the solar panels sign dormant until sunrise.

    What Appliances Can I Run With A 5kw Solar System?

    There are a number of home appliances you can use with a 5kw Solar System. It is recommended that you reduce your energy usage at night by using electrical appliances during the day. Using them at peak hours produces the best results due to the high power supply.

    Installing power efficient lightening will also reduce your energy use around the home. Whenever these appliances are not in use, they must be switched off to prevent wastage of power.

    Here are 5 standard appliances you can easily use with the electricity produced by a 5kw Solar System:

    ApplianceWatts per hourAvg. Hours used dailyTotal Watts

    a. Washing Machine – 800w (per cycle)

    Washing machines can be energy efficient, especially when using solar energy. They are not one of the bigger energy saps on your solar system, but you still need to use them efficiently to make the most of your power. Always put a cold load where possible and only run full loads.Use the washing machine and dryer during the day when there is a lot of energy production from your solar system. This is done best by setting a timer on your machine, so it comes on during peak energy-producing periods.

    b. Hot Water Heaters – 4kW per day

    This is by far one of the biggest drains on your power over any other appliance. As we have become custom to using hot water for anything, the systems we have installed are designed to have hot water on tap (literally) when we need it.We do pay the price for this luxury, though, as it takes a lot of energy to boil a large amount of water each day for our needs.The average electric water heater uses a whopping 4kw of power per day or, to put it in perspective, a quarter of all the energy produced by your 5kw solar system.

    c. Oven/ cooktop – 2400w per hour

    Ovens like hot water heaters sap quite a bit of energy. Although most households do not use them daily. We will often use the cooktop for a maximum of an hour per day, which actually uses less energy than the oven.

    d. Television set – 100w per hourYour typical plasma television set with a 50inch screen with no real special energy efficiency will only use about 100kw per hour. Obviously, the larger the screen and the brighter the settings, the more power it will use, but television is a very low consumption appliance as compared to some of the others.If you are really looking to excel in the power consumption department, you are the best switching to a LED television. Like lights, LED screens are a lot more energy-efficient and will only use about 38Watts of power per day.

    e. Refrigerator 100-200w per hour (1kW – 2kW per day)

    There is no escaping this one. We all need to keep our food cold or on ice, and refrigerators run all day, every day. They are not a huge sap of energy if you are running a modern energy-efficient one. The above figures are across the board with fridges no more than 10 years old.

    When you get your 5kw solar system installed you will need to closely monitor how it performs with your various appliances. If you find that your system can not handle the load, you are best looking at your hot water system and fridge for replacement.

    I know you are probably thinking, “hang on a minute, I just forked out 3500 for a solar system. No, I need new appliances”?

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    In most cases, the answer is no. But if you are going to spend that much on reducing the cost of your power bill, you are running a 15-year-old fridge and a 30-year-old hot water unit. It might be time to replace them also.

    f. Air Conditioner 3kW – 5kW per hour

    Running an air conditioner system on solar power is like trying to swim with lead boots. You are going to be taking on water at some point. Considering that your system only produces 5kw in peak periods and the air conditioner uses that per hour, you will run into trouble.

    Use sparingly, and I would advise only to use during peak periods. The good part about an air conditioner is, that you only really need it on hot days when the sun is high in the sky, so your system will be running at its maximum anyway.Use it sparingly at night, and you will be ok.

    Can I store the energy to use later on?

    Yes, you can store solar energy for later use. Not all energy produced by the 5kw Solar System will be used, especially during peak periods. This is what is called “excess or surplus energy”. The thought of producing all this wonderful green energy during the day when you are at work and not being able to use it, later on, is not a great reality.

    Therefore almost all solar systems are designed to have a way of backing up/saving excess energy which is mainly used in the evenings. Solar power technology manufacturers have recently designed solar batteries that store energy for later use. Although these were very expensive when they first came out, their price is coming down rapidly and will be very affordable by 2020 onwards.

    The 5kw Solar System uses its batteries to save energy by converting from DC to AC. How much energy is stored is dependent on the size of the battery. The bigger the size, the more energy will be stored. The size is determined by the amount of power you need to use around the house and the number of days.

    Solar batteries in the solar system store the excess energy as opposed to returning it to the grid. When the panels produce excess power, it is used to charge the batteries. Energy is returned to the grid once the batteries are fully charged.

    These batteries are best used at night when the solar panels are inactive. These solar batteries are an effective backup and can provide energy throughout the home when the sun isn’t shining.

    The 5kw Solar System comes with different types of battery backups for your home. They include:

    i. Partial off-grid solar plus storage system: This battery backup designates one grid section of the home to run on solar and battery without using any energy from the power grid. The system runs on electric loads such as the washing machine, refrigerator, television, lights and AC. They remain “on” even when the power grid is interrupted.

    ii. Interruptible power supply (IPS): This backup system allows your home to keep running on solar energy even when the power grid is down. So if you were dishwashing or doing laundry, you can continue to do so without any interruptions.

    iii. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS): This is the most preferred battery backup system because it provides emergency power when the power grid fails. Commonly referred to as “off-grid” you will no longer be relying on the grid for any of your energy needs. It is reliable because of its continual power system.

    What Happens To The Energy We Don’t Use?

    By now you have seen that the 5kw Solar System can produce surplus power. Australia estimates that even with the 5kw Solar System, most homes only require 10kw of energy on average each day.

    Since you may not end up using all of it around your home, the excess power is exported back to the grid. The energy is then sold by the power company to other local households for use. You are also paid a little bit of money for the electricity you produced and fed into the grid.

    This means other people use the power you don’t need and in turn, your electric bill is lowered. You can sell the surplus energy to the National Grid either through net metering or energy exporting.

    Net metering is commonly used as it involves earning the same price per unit to export energy as it does to purchase in the energy. To use this system, however, you need an OFGEM approved export meter making the process long and costly.

    Simple energy-exporting is not as common. Surplus energy is transferred back to the grid. You end up getting less per unit compared to the cost of purchase for electricity.

    If you want to calculate how much unused energy you have, you can check the net electricity meter. This is referred to as the “feed-in-traffic”.

    However, the rates vary from state to state. If the rates are higher, you will make a bigger net return by exporting as much of your solar energy as you can.

    Alternatively, you can utilize a solar battery. As discussed above solar batteries are a great way to store excess energy you have produced throughout the day for later use.

    This is the ideal option as allows you to use more of your own energy and reduce your power bills essentially to zero us used correctly. Batteries are expensive and this will mean it will take longer for your system to pay for itself.

    Author: Ben McInerney is a renewable energy enthusiast with the goal of helping more Australians understand solar systems to make the best choice before they purchase. Having an accredited solar installer in the family helps give Ben access to the correct information, which allows him to break it down and make it easily understandable to the average homeowner.

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